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Student Council Selin Acar – President Kevin Puetz – Vice President of External Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Council Selin Acar – President Kevin Puetz – Vice President of External Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Council Selin Acar – President Kevin Puetz – Vice President of External Affairs

2 Construction  The student organization offices have all moved, and we are beginning the final stage of construction.  All that’s left are the Greek Offices and the new conference room.

3 Computers in Havener  They are in now!  They are the VDI Thin Client Pilot Computers  There is also a printer

4 RSO Survey  Implementing a networking activity for student organizations.  Working with some other student leaders to see this happen.  Will be February 23 rd, and hopefully after that we’ll be able to establish more permanent plans.

5 Commencement  Many students are upset about the changes to graduation.  Setting up meetings with administration to discuss their concerns.  Trying to communicate the exact changes and what students can do.  If anyone has heard anything, positive or negative, please let me know.

6 Presidential Election  Campaigning for the Student Body President position has begun.  The debate was Tuesday night, and there were 3 candidates up.

7 Others  Blood Drive did very well, with over 300 units collected.  CDC (Corporate Development Council) and Student Council will be hosting the Student Leaders’ Banquet April 11.  Joe Mooney Distinguished Student Award Nominations are currently available through the Miner Alumni Association.  Scholarship that we helped them bring back.  Nominate any and all deserving students!  Working really hard to find a better way for RSO Recognition. There are about 17 organizations mid process, and it’s become a very slow process.  Rewording, restructuring, and editing our constitution.

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