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Characteristics Latin America Cultural Characteristics.

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1 Characteristics Latin America Cultural Characteristics

2 Cultural Geography of Latin America -A population of 525 million people, roughly 9% of the world’s population. Rapid population growth rate with large percentage under 15 years of age Low literacy, low life expectancy- Are they developed or developing???

3 Indigenous Groups: Mayan Aztec Incas

4 Indigenous Peoples Maya: The Mayan civilization was found in the Yucatan Peninsula and parts of Guatemala. Famous site is Tikal Tikal

5 Mayan Ruins at Tikal, Guatemala

6 Chichén Itzá : Mayan Ruins


8 Aztec: The Aztec were found in the Valley of Mexico. Also had pyramids

9 Inca: The Inca were found in the highlands of Peru Andes Mountains, Machu Pichu is the famous site. Machu Pichu

10 Macchu Picchu in Peru

11 Machu Picchu: Incan Ruins, Peru Terraced farming: HI Carl! Terraced farming


13 Cultural Blending In Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador people of mixed native and European descent (Mestizo) make up the largest part of the population. In the Caribbean people of Mixed African and European descent (Mulatto) make up a large percentage of the population. In Haiti a blending of W. African religion and Roman Catholicism led to the creation of a new religion, Voodoo.

14 Language European Languages Spanish: Primary language of most L. American countries. Portuguese: Brazil French: Haiti and Martinique English: Jamaica, Belize, and Guyana. Dialects: Each country has developed its own dialect, or different form of a language. Native Languages Many people speak languages which have been spoken by native populations for centuries.

15 Where Latin Americans Live High Population Growth: The region’s population is expected to reach about 800 million by the year 2050, increasing 55%. Large percentage under 15 years of age Physical barriers limit areas where people can live, the population only lives on about 1/3 of the land. Coastal Areas Most Densely Populated.

16 Cultures and Lifestyles Religion plays an important role Most people are Christian, but other religions here include Native beliefs, African religions, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and some Judaism. Roman Catholicism: Most Christians in Latin America are Roman Catholic. Catholicism was brought over by European conquerors and many natives were forced to convert to the religion. Very, very rigid social structure-known for machismo, thus male dominated society

17 Protestants make up large numbers Mixed Religions Voodoo (Condomblé/Santería) A blending of West African religion and the Catholic faith. This religion has a negative reputation, but is not evil. It believes in the honoring of spirits in nature and veneration of ancestors.

18 Modern Art Diego Rivera Mexican artist who focused on murals that illustrated Mexico’s history, especially the struggles of the poor. Seller of Flowers Girl with Pink Dress

19 Other art forms Music: Brazilian Samba, Cuban Salsa, and Mexican Mariachi Reggae and Calypso in the Caribbean Steel Drum Bands

20 Carnival Celebrates the week before the start of Lent. Rio de Janeiro is home to one of the biggest Carnival celebrations in the world.


22 Spanish Church, Mexico City Bullfighting Ring and Soccer (Fútbol) Stadium Mexico City

23 Christ the Redeemer Rio de Janeiro 100 ft tall Sits on Corcovado Mountain on a 20 foot base.


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