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MAKING ENDS MEET By Kaitlyn Shields 2015. GPA{GRADE POINT AVERAGE}= 2.91 Career options include; Possible Jobs; Fashion Dancer Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "MAKING ENDS MEET By Kaitlyn Shields 2015. GPA{GRADE POINT AVERAGE}= 2.91 Career options include; Possible Jobs; Fashion Dancer Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAKING ENDS MEET By Kaitlyn Shields 2015

2 GPA{GRADE POINT AVERAGE}= 2.91 Career options include; Possible Jobs; Fashion Dancer Teacher

3 JOB/CAREER FOR REALITY STORE  Job title; Teacher  Gross yearly salary; 39,750  Job duties; Education for the youth, Teaching children  Education/ training; Bachelors Degree  Demand; Number 2 on Indiana’s Hot Job List.

4 FORCED CHOICE PIE CHART Forced choice pie chart In my forced MIT text I scored equal on 4 out of 7 categories, I took it upon myself to decide that musical/rhythmic is my best way of learning. I have always loved learning new things thru songs or videos. I often do better on test, quizzes, and problems by making up songs for spelling words or watching youtube videos on how to do math problems.

5 FREE AND FORCED CHOICE LINE GRAPH My lines are semi parallel, they over lap in some areas and are far away from each other in other areas. My toughest area would by far be logical and mathematic. I have many problems with math and have never been very smart in the math categories. One way I could improve on the skill would be to try to approach my next problem with the idea of math in my head, and how I could possibly solve my problems with math.

6 BUDGET: Description: An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. A plan listing your income along with all the expanses or costs you have. Definition: An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.

7 GROSS INCOME The total amount of money you make including all imcome, taxes, ss,and benefits

8 NET INCOME The total amount of money you make AFTER the SS Taxes, and other…What you actually bring home

9 DISPOSABLE INCOME : income remaining after deducting mandatory rent, bills and charges, available to be spent or saved as one wishes.

10 TAXES Money taken out of your check for services that support govt. programs (fire, police, streets, teachers,, welfare, Food stamps, ….)

11 SOCIAL SECURITY Retirement money

12 MEDICARE Medical benefit for when you retire, you still pay for it, just less than usual

13 IRA (IRA, 403, Annuity) A financial product sold by financial institutions that is designed to accept and grow funds from an individual and then, upon maturing, pay out a stream of payments to the individual at a later point in time. Annuities are primarily used as a means of securing a steady cash flow for an individual during their retirement years. (Sometimes taking out of paycheck, sometimes done independently)


15 BUDGET PLANNING TABLE Expense categoryRecommended % of of monthly pay Approx. amount you plan to spend Housing35%1159.37 Transportation10%331.25 election5%165.62 Gas heat5%165.62 water2%66.25 Insurance8%265 Medical and health10%331.25 Tv/internet people2%66.25 groceries3%99.37 savings10%331.25 Varible expenses10%331.25

16 MORTGAGE Definition; money lent in advance for a large purchase, with the understanding that you will pay back the PRINCIPAL{cost} with INTREST {extra}  Internet definition: a legal agreement in which a person borrows money to buy property (such as a house) and pays back the money over a period of years

17 HOUSE BILLS. Fixed expense: 16*Mortgage: Money lent in advance, with the understanding that you will pay back the PRINCIPAL (total amount of house) with INTEREST (money the bank charges to use their money) a bit every month. 17Fixed Expense: Variable Expense: Utilities:

18 MY HUMBLE HOME Total cost, 99,500 Monthly payment, 504.05 Three beds One bath

19 CHECK 03-18-2015 504.05 Five hundred, four dollars and five cents---------------------------------------- House mortgage

20 VOCAB, CAR Loan. Lease: renting instead of buying. You are “back loaded” on the monthly payment…meaning you pay less per month, but at the end, you make that up when buying it, or you have to give them back the car. Usually has stipulations, like paying for full coverage on car insurance and mileage allowance. : amount of money someone (bank or credit union) gives you up front to pay for a large purchase, with the understanding that you will pay it back over time each month, with interest (That extra money they charge you for using their money)

21 MY CAR Total cost: 32,988 Per month: 516.10 Jeep wrangler Two door Used 2013 8 year loan

22 LIFE STYLE I just wanna be happy when I am an adult. To have enough money to buy everything I need. Life is harder then I thought it would be, but ill be okay.

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