Recognize Linear Relationships and Solve Equations with Technology A Balance Model for Solving Equations iLearn Grade 7 Math Session 7 of 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Recognize Linear Relationships and Solve Equations with Technology A Balance Model for Solving Equations iLearn Grade 7 Math Session 7 of 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recognize Linear Relationships and Solve Equations with Technology A Balance Model for Solving Equations iLearn Grade 7 Math Session 7 of 8

2 Focusing Questions How can we use the balance model for solving equations? What technology resources exist to help us solve equations?

3 Instruction: Part I

4 Framing The Session “I know you’ve been working on representations of linear relationships. Now we will focus on solving linear equations. We will use a balance model for solving.”

5 Teaching Review IMPACT Math, pages 446–454. How is an equation like a two pan balance? Open “Solve by Balancing Present.gsp.” Together we will follow the steps in the Participant Agenda to explore the sketch. What rules can be used to solve equations?

6 Guided Practice Let’s solve the equations on pages 5 and 7 of “Solve by Balancing Present.gsp.”

7 Work Time

8 Getting Started Now we will manipulate a balance sketch in partnerships.

9 Work Time Open “Solving by Balancing.gsp.” With a partner, explore pages 1-7 of the sketch. How do the different weights affect the scale? What equations or inequalities can you create? Apply the 3 rules you learned earlier to solve the given equations. Page 8 is a blank page. Show the value of x, adjust the slider, and arrange objects to make a balanced equation of your own choosing. Then hide the x value and slider, and challenge a friend to solve your equation.

10 Instruction: Part II

11 Framing Our Work Now we will look at some online balance models. As we go through them, think about the advantages and disadvantages of each model. We will also look at other resources this Website has to offer.

12 Teaching Go to Navigate to Math Tools. In Search Box type “balance.” Notice activity information/ descriptions. What are the benefits of using a Web portal (like Math Forum)?

13 Guided Practice Let’s try the following activities: >“Algebra Balance Scales – Negative” >“Expression Pan Balance”

14 Work Time

15 Getting Started Now we will explore other tools available on the site.

16 Work Time Independently, find another activity you could use to increase understanding of an algebraic topic. Look under: - Math Tools - Math Topics - Math 7 Share your favorite tool with a neighbor.

17 Share

18 From “IMPACT,” Course II, page 454: Share

19 How can GSP and Math Forum be used in conjunction with Impact? Share

20 How does this work address how you can use Geometer’s Sketchpad to help solve equations? Answers

21 For more information Office of Instructional Technology

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