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Japanese Business and Pillar Industries (支柱产业) Negotiation & Meeting (谈判与会议) The way of Communication (交流方式) The Way of Receiving Customers (接待方式 ) Catalogue.

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Presentation on theme: "Japanese Business and Pillar Industries (支柱产业) Negotiation & Meeting (谈判与会议) The way of Communication (交流方式) The Way of Receiving Customers (接待方式 ) Catalogue."— Presentation transcript:


2 Japanese Business and Pillar Industries (支柱产业) Negotiation & Meeting (谈判与会议) The way of Communication (交流方式) The Way of Receiving Customers (接待方式 ) Catalogue Notes

3 Business Second Largest Economy 第二经济大国 One of the four Asian tigers 亚洲四小龙之一 Trade of The State 贸易之国 Iron Kingdom 钢铁王国 Sakura's Country 樱花之国 BACK

4 Pillar Industries (支柱产业) 《海贼王》 《美少女战士》 《樱桃小丸子》 《蜡笔小新》 《灌篮高手》 《名侦探柯南》 《足球小子》 《七龙珠》 《千与千寻》...... Animation Automotive IndustryDigital Media Industry Pillar Industries BACK

5 Negotiation & Meeting Negotiation A unique understanding for the time Express ideas in a implicit way Eyes contact, gestures or facial expressions Make decisions with a long time but take actions efficiently Negotiation A unique understanding for the time Express ideas in a implicit way Eyes contact, gestures or facial expressions Make decisions with a long time but take actions efficiently BACK

6 Negotiation & Meeting Meeting Efficiency comes first Prepare for the conference Make full used of each sceond No water or drink BACK

7 Ways of Communication 1.They think the servings Influence resolution. 2. Don’t ask private question in the conversation Never call the seniorities “old” Thanks for gifts again and again, send something in return Don’t decorate gifts with bows. Don’t send any gifts with the image of animals. 3.Echo what others are saying and nod to agree with others. 1.They think the servings Influence resolution. 2. Don’t ask private question in the conversation Never call the seniorities “old” Thanks for gifts again and again, send something in return Don’t decorate gifts with bows. Don’t send any gifts with the image of animals. 3.Echo what others are saying and nod to agree with others. BACK

8 The Way of Receiving customer Japanese pay great attention to dress and appearance. Japanese pay great attention to dress and appearance. If Japanese businessmen have an appointment with their partners or customers, they will never be late. If Japanese businessmen have an appointment with their partners or customers, they will never be late. When Japaness meet each other,they will make a bow and exchange their business cards. When Japaness meet each other,they will make a bow and exchange their business cards. The Japanese don't like to recept their business partners at home. The Japanese don't like to recept their business partners at home. Japanese would not offer cigarette to each other. Japanese would not offer cigarette to each other. BACK

9 Focus on the detail. To be honest. Pay more attention to the etiquette( 礼节 ). Give Japanese face. Notes BACK

10 总策划:余国镇 PPT 制造:周新蕊 资料搜集:顾旷 廖欢 何丹丹 卢秋萍 刘裕霞 颜玉霜 黄威 符大龙 石荣霖 黄靖雯 宾钊玉 曽璇 李欣瑾 PPT 讲解:余国镇 刘裕霞 颜玉霜 石荣霖 曽璇 总策划:余国镇 PPT 制造:周新蕊 资料搜集:顾旷 廖欢 何丹丹 卢秋萍 刘裕霞 颜玉霜 黄威 符大龙 石荣霖 黄靖雯 宾钊玉 曽璇 李欣瑾 PPT 讲解:余国镇 刘裕霞 颜玉霜 石荣霖 曽璇

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