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Lobby. Lobbying Lobbying is a way to influence the lawmaking process by convincing lawmakers to vote as you want them to. Lobbying comes from the seventeenth.

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Presentation on theme: "Lobby. Lobbying Lobbying is a way to influence the lawmaking process by convincing lawmakers to vote as you want them to. Lobbying comes from the seventeenth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lobby

2 Lobbying Lobbying is a way to influence the lawmaking process by convincing lawmakers to vote as you want them to. Lobbying comes from the seventeenth century, when interested persons would corner legislators in the outer waiting room of the legislature-the lobby.  Lobbying is actually a basic right which is protected by the U.S. constitution. It involves rights such as right of free speech and sometimes other rights like assembly, association, and freedom of the press. A lobbyist is someone who tries to convince a lawmaker to vote for or against a certain issue. Anyone can be a lobbyist even a private individual can lobby elected officials on issues you care about. You can influence officials that are elected by expressing your opinions individually or part of a group, by letter, phone, or e-mail. Some lobbyists use political contributions, ads, favors, letter-writing campaigns, and other techniques to influence legislation.

3 Special Interest groups and organizations lobby on behalf of every imaginable cause and issue. Businesses and Organizations hire professional lobbyists to influence federal, state, and local legislatures. The national rifle association employ lobbyist to oppose on restrictions gun ownership and Control Inc, lobbies for gun control. Lobbyist must indicate how much they have spent lobbying. Including the costs of organizing grassroots letter – writing campaigns Lobbyist work in Washington D.C. and state capitals 


5  Why Homosexual marriage should be legalized  Homosexual marriage should be legalized mostly because it doesn’t affect anyone personally. If two people that love each other get married it doesn’t affect complete strangers. It shouldn’t matter if same sex couples get married because it’s the same thing as a man and a woman getting married. It is also proven that straight couples get divorced more than gay couples. And gay couples will raise the adoption rates. Marriage is a basic right that should not be limited to just a man and a woman. It’s their decision that shouldn’t be this big of a deal. There are also discussions of religion and how it is an “abomination”. At the time the Old Testament came out saying that “if a man lies with another man it is considered an abomination”, it also said that mixing fabrics was an abomination, or eating shellfish was an abomination. It also said that if a child disobeys his parents, they shall be put to death. Or if a woman isn’t a virgin when she gets married, she’d be taken to her father’s house and be stoned to death. So, the bible can be interpreted in many ways, people just choose to make things more important than others. So once again, marriage is a right that anyone should have, including gays.

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