Marriage. Why People Marry:  Love  Companionship  Social Reasons  Cultural Reasons  Starting a Family.

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Presentation on theme: "Marriage. Why People Marry:  Love  Companionship  Social Reasons  Cultural Reasons  Starting a Family."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marriage

2 Why People Marry:  Love  Companionship  Social Reasons  Cultural Reasons  Starting a Family

3 Requirements for a Marriage License  Fee  Witness  72 hour waiting period

4 Thoughts Before Marriage  Your values and what is important to you in life  Is this the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with?  Am I ready for a lifetime commitment  Your future goals and plans  Career Plans  Family Plans

5 Successful Marriages  What does it take to be successful in a marriage?  Should couples live together before getting married?

6 Stressors in Marriage  Changes in attitudes and expectations,  Unexpected problems may arise causing stress – etc. someone loses their job  Ineffective communication can cause stress  One partner being unhappy can cause stress  Cheating

7 Legal Benefits of Marriage  Financial - combining salaries  Benefits and health insurance  Tax Breaks  Can make health decisions  Better visiting rights (hospital)  If spouse passes away, other spouse receives life insurance, social security, and pension

8 Wedding???  Will you have a wedding? What kind?  Church  Reception - $$$, Place, Guests, DJ/Band, Bridal Party, Flowers  Destination Wedding

9 Assignment… Where will your wedding take place? ◦ Church? After party venue? What will your color scheme be? Who would be in your bridal party? Will you have a honeymoon? Where? Type of flowers? Food? – What type of food? DJ – find one online ◦ Entrance song you and bridal party, first dance song, father/daughter, mother/son, cake cutting song, any other special song?

10 ccarthy_what_you_don_t_know_about_ marriage.html

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