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Close Reading. What is close reading?  Close reading is when you choose a specific passage and analyze it in fine detail, as if with a magnifying glass.

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Presentation on theme: "Close Reading. What is close reading?  Close reading is when you choose a specific passage and analyze it in fine detail, as if with a magnifying glass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Close Reading

2 What is close reading?  Close reading is when you choose a specific passage and analyze it in fine detail, as if with a magnifying glass.  This requires you to reread the passage several times


4 First Read  Who is the boy talking to?  What is he holding on to?  How are his arms positioned?

5 Second Read  How does the dog feel?  Where are they?  What is the relationship between the dog and the boy?  What stereotypes are being portrayed in this picture?


7 Second Read  How does the artist show us what the text says?

8 Third Read-What does the text mean?  In your opinion, is the cartoon funny? Explain why using details from the picture.

9 Close Reading a passage  Read the passage a minimum 3 times  Annotate as you read

10 Why do we annotate?  1. Improve your concentration so you will not become distracted and have to reread the text.  2. Provide an immediate self-check for your understanding of the text’s key ideas.  3. Help you remember more.  4. Assist you in getting ready for tests on the material.  5. Reduce the need of time spent in rereading the chapters.  6. Help you state ideas in your own words.

11 Steps to annotating  1. Circle and define any unknown words.  2. Paraphrase each section/paragraph.  3. Underline or highlight key phrases or ideas.  4. Write down questions.  5. Determine the main idea.

12 First Read  1. Read text and circle unknown words.  2. Paraphrase each paragraph: *Reread each paragraph and in the margin write what the author is saying in your own words.  3. Write down questions

13 Second Read: How does the text say it?  Inferences -What knowledge and experiences of your own do you bring?  Craft and structure –How do the ideas and texts connect to each other?

14 Third Reading: Digging for meaning What does the text mean?  Why did the author write this article?  What does the author want us to think about?  What does the central or “big idea” in this article mean in our world?  What information does the author choose to use or leave out?

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