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Presentation on theme: "MASSACHUSETTS ART CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK Sarah Walker and Chelsea Greene."— Presentation transcript:


2 This Framework Includes: ◦ Music ◦ Dance ◦ Theater ◦ Visual Arts

3 What are the Arts? ◦ Learning by Doing ◦ Solve problems and make aesthetic choices ◦ Sense of accomplishment ◦ Communication through sound, movement, images, or written/spoken word

4 General Frameworks for All Arts Core Concepts ◦ communicate fluently and effectively in at least one artistic discipline ◦ Apply both imagination and rational thinking to the making of art ◦ Understand the value of reflection and critical judgment in creative work ◦ Present and perform art publicly, with confidence, pride, and distinction ◦ Use artistic literary as a natural enhancements to learning other subjects ◦ Understand how world cultures have been historically influenced and shaped by the arts ◦ Understand the ways in which the arts contribute to cotemporary life

5 Specific Standards of Visual Arts Pre K-8 Framework is Broken into these sections: ◦ Methods, Materials, Techniques ◦ Elements and Principles of Design ◦ Observation, Abstraction, Invention, and Expression ◦ Drafting, Revising, and Exhibiting ◦ Critical Response

6 Grades Pre K-4 Methods, Materials, and Techniques Use variety of materials, create 2D and 3D art, use appropriate vocabulary, learn to take care and use materials safely Elements and Principles of Design Learn about primary/secondary colors and gradations of black, white, and grey; Explore line; Explore Texture; Explore shape and form; Explore Pattern/symmetry; Learn about space and composition; Demonstrate understanding of foreground, middle ground, and background Observation, Abstraction, Invention, Expression Create work from direct observation; explore abstract art; create work from memory or imagination to tell a story or embody an idea Drafting, Revising, and Exhibiting Students will be able to choose a work and discuss it; select a work for exhibition/display; students will be able to participate in classroom discussions about art Critical Response Students will be able to classify artworks into categories; describe similarities and differences; present personal responses to subject matter

7 Sample Projects!

8 Grades 5-8 Methods, Materials, and Techniques Focus on the range of effects with each medium; demonstrate knowledge of tools; appropriate vocabulary; maintaining a workspace Elements of Principles of Design Learn about hues/values; learn about complementary, analogous, and monochromatic colors; identify types of line; be able to identify surface and visual texture; learn about organic/geometric, positive/negative, and varieties of symmetry of shape; understanding of balance repetition, scale, proportion, unity, harmony, and emphasis. Observation, Abstraction, Invention, and Expression Have an understanding of representational artwork and substituting symbols for objects, relationships, or ideas; develop abstract symbols by simplifying elements of the environment Drafting, Revising, and Exhibiting Produce work that shows an understanding of craftsmanship; Describe personal style; Assess and reflect on work; Maintain a portfolio; Have public expeditions of work Critical Response Be able to describe characteristics of your own work; be able to explain symbolism/abstraction; demonstrate awareness of architectural styles

9 Sample Projects!

10 Connection Strand Purposes of the Arts Understand why works of art are created and interpret their meanings Roles of Artist in the Community Describe roles of artists, organizations, and art institutions in society: Past and Present Concepts of Style, Stylistic Influence, and Stylistic Change Students will analyze styles of artwork from various historical periods, cultures, and genres Inventions, Technologies, and the Arts Learning the materials, inventions, and technologies in their work Interdisciplinary Connections Students will apply their knowledge of the arts to English, Foreign Language, Health, History, Math, Science, and Technology


12 Preparing for AP Art ◦ AP is for high school level, but students can start preparing in middle school ◦ Introduce idea of portfolios in middle school and creating work outside of class ◦ Recommendations to take AP class and prepare them for AP portfolio review ◦ Introduce idea of art history AP class and evaluation ◦

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