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Lecture ?: Monopoly EEP 1 Peter Berck’s Class. Who is this guy who thinks he’s funny? Maximilian Auffhammer Assistant Professor IAS/ARE

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture ?: Monopoly EEP 1 Peter Berck’s Class. Who is this guy who thinks he’s funny? Maximilian Auffhammer Assistant Professor IAS/ARE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture ?: Monopoly EEP 1 Peter Berck’s Class


3 Who is this guy who thinks he’s funny? Maximilian Auffhammer Assistant Professor IAS/ARE

4 Let’s Deviate From Perfect Competition –No Market Power –Perfect Information –No Externalities –No Public Goods –Look at Market Power first.

5 Monopoly Monopolist: Only supplier of a good with no close substitute. –Firm output = Market output –Firm faces market demand curve, not a horizontal residual demand Does not lose all sales if price increases Faces downward sloping demand

6 Monopoly Firm can “set price” within some reasonable range and will still sell goods Monopolist is a regular profit maximizing firm: –MR(Q) = MC(Q)

7 What is Marginal Revenue For a perfectly competitive firm: –Marginal Revenue = Average Revenue = Price For the monopolist: Price is no longer exogenous. Price depends on Q, which is the monopolists output choice Average Revenue = (P(Q) x Q)/Q = P(Q)

8 Average Revenue is not equal to Marginal Revenue for the Monopolist!!!!


10 Convenient Fact If inverse Demand is linear: –P(Q) = a – bQ –MR(Q) = a – 2bQ Same intercept as inverse demand Twice the slope of the inverse demand MR hits Q axis “half way” Can we show this? Yes!!!! If MR = p, demand is perfectly elastic

11 Where does the monopolist produce?

12 The Monopoly Decision

13 Market Power Market Power is the ability of a firm to charge a price above marginal cost profitably. Degree of market power depends on elasticity of demand curve at the profit maximizing quantity.

14 Measure of Market Power: The Lerner Index MR(Q*) = MC(Q*) Lerner Index: (p- MC)/p If firm is profit maximizing: –(p-MC)/p = -1/  d –Ranges from 0 to 1 –If p=MC Lerner Index = 0  Perfect Competition The more elastic the demand curve, the smaller the markup a monopolist is able to charge.


16 Sources of Market Power Demand is inelastic if: –Consumers are willing to pay virtually anything for a good –No close substitutes –No entry –Similar firms are far away –Other firms products are very different.

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