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1. Cardiovascular system begins forming at 3 weeks

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1 1. Cardiovascular system begins forming at 3 weeks
Pediatric Fundamentals – Heart and Circulation Embryology 1. Cardiovascular system begins forming at 3 weeks (diffusion no longer adequate) 2. Angiogenetic cell cluster and blood islands -> intraamniotic blood vessels 3. Heart tube 4. Heart begins to beat 22 – 23 days 5. Heart looping -> 4 chambers, 27 – 37 days 6. Valves 6 – 9 weeks

2 umbilical vein (UV)-> ductus venosus (50%) -> IVC -> RA ->
Pediatric Fundamentals - Growth and Development Cardiovascular system In utero circulation placenta -> umbilical vein (UV)-> ductus venosus (50%) -> IVC -> RA -> foramen ovale (FO) -> LA -> Ascending Ao -> SVC -> tricuspid valve -> RV (2/3rds of CO) -> main pulmonary artery (MPA) -> ductus arteriosus (DA) (90%) -> descending Ao -> umbilical arteries (UAs)->

3 Transitional circulation Placenta Out and Lungs In
Pediatric Fundamentals – Heart and Circulation Transitional circulation Placenta Out and Lungs In PVR drops dramatically (endothelial-derived NO and prostacyclin) FO closes DA closes hours to 3 days to few weeks prematures: closes in 4-12 months PFO potential route for systemic emboli DA and PFO routes for R -> L shunt in PPHN

4 Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN)
Pediatric Fundamentals – Heart and Circulation Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) Old PFC misnomer Primary Secondary meconium aspiration sepsis birth asphyxia Treatment cardiopulmonary support inhaled NO ECMO

5 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Pediatric Fundamentals – Heart and Circulation
Nitric oxide (NO) – cGMP transduction pathway l-arginine eNOS (endothelial NO synthetase) oxidation of quanidine N moiety NO activates GTP sGC (soluble guanylate cyclase) cGMP (cyclic-3’,5’-guanosine monophosphate) activates PDE (phosphodiesterase) protein kinase GMP

6 Increased sensitivity to calcium channel blockers (e.g. verapamil)
Pediatric Fundamentals – Heart and Circulation Neonatal myocardial function Contractile elements comprise 30% (vs 60% adult) of newborn myocardium Alpha isoform of tropomyosin predominates more efficient binding for faster relaxation at faster heart rates Relatively disorganized myocytes and myofibrils Most of postnatal increase in myocardial mass due to hypertrophy of existing myocytes Diminished role of relatively disorganized sarcomplasmic reticulum (SR) and greater role of Na-Ca channels in Ca flux so greater dependence on extracellular Ca may explain: Increased sensitivity to calcium channel blockers (e.g. verapamil) hypocalcemia digitalis

7 lactate: primary metabolite
Pediatric Fundamentals – Heart and Circulation Myocardial energy metabolism Young infant heart lactate: primary metabolite later: glucose oxidation and amino acids (aa’s) metabolize glucose and aa’s under hypoxic conditions (may lead to greater tolerance of ischemic insults) Gradual transition to adult: fatty acid primary metabolite by 1-2 years

8 Age (months) Sys/Dias mean 1 85/65 50 3 90/65 50 6 90/65 50 9 90/65 55
Pediatric Fundamentals – Heart and Circulation Normal aortic pressures Wt (Gm) Sys/Dias mean / / /35 50 /40 50 Age (months) Sys/Dias mean / / / / /

9 Babies are vagotonic Adrenergic receptors Sympathetic receptor system
Pediatric Fundamentals – Heart and Circulation Adrenergic receptors Sympathetic receptor system Tachycardic response to isoproterenol and epinephrine by 6 weeks gestation Myocyte β-adrenergic receptor density peaks at birth then decreases postnatally but coupling mechanism is immature Parasympathetic, vagally-mediated responses are mature at birth (e.g. to hypoxia) Babies are vagotonic

10 Age (days) Rate 1-3 100-140 4-7 80-145 8-15 110-165 Age (months) Rate
Pediatric Fundamentals – Heart and Circulation Normal heart rate Age (days) Rate Age (months) Rate Age (years) Rate

11 Avoid (excessive) vasoconstriction Maintain heart rate
Pediatric Fundamentals – Heart and Circulation Newborn myocardial physiology Type I collagen (relatively rigid) predominates (vs type III in adult) Neonate Adult Cardiac output HR dependent SV & HR dependent Starling response limited normal Compliance less normal Afterload compensation limited effective Ventricular high relatively low interdependence So: Avoid (excessive) vasoconstriction Maintain heart rate Avoid rapid (excessive) fluid administration

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