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Doing Business Internationally A Survey of Cultural Patterns Latin America.

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Presentation on theme: "Doing Business Internationally A Survey of Cultural Patterns Latin America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Doing Business Internationally A Survey of Cultural Patterns Latin America

2 Introduction Latin America is not a homogeneous area however, there are certain similarities: 1.Most professionals travelling will go to Spanish-speaking countries or to Brazil 2.Catholicism remains the dominant religion 3.Hierarchical society based on relationships and courtesy

3 A Sense of Time A multifocused orientation Latin Americans have the ability to handle several tasks simultaneously and pay attention to several people at the same time A fluid orientation Time restrictions are loose and schedules are secondary to relationships An orientation to the present Prefer short-term perspectives

4 A Being Orientation to Action Latin Americans value relationships over job opportunities / the accomplishment of certain tasks Perspective: Work to live rather than live to work Strong sense of identity and belonging

5 Communication A high-context orientation implicit messages rather than direct statements – reading between the lines Indirect communications collaborative rather than confrontational maintaining harmony and saving face Expressive style importance of politeness and good manners Formal orientation differences between social classes/hierarchy

6 A Sense of Space: Public and Private Public: Touching, standing close to each other, common rooms in offices Private: Home life, privacy often accompanies hierarchy

7 A Hierarchy of Power „Palanca“ = „lever“: leverage or influence due to a personal connection A person‘s identity is largely constituted by relationships with others

8 Individualism Collectivist orientation Cooperation and loyality rather than competition machismo: image of what a man should be traditional male behaviour Particularistic orientation Obligations first to friends, family and then to business

9 Competitiveness: Cooperation and Competition Emphasis on relationships and interdependence but at the same time aggressive competition Structure: Order and Flexibility Fluctuating economic, political and social conditions = unstable environment Tendency to minimize uncertainty, change and risk

10 Ways of Thinking Deductive thinking Thinking in broad terms – less concentration on details – focus on principles rather than on their pragmatic realisation Systemic thinking Analysation of the connection among processes – protection of the system rather than the individual parts

11 Summary Insights 1.Seek to minimise actions that you regret 2.Take nothing for granted 3.Prepare for a cross-cultural encounter with purpose and thoroughness 4.Ensure that your actions take into account the underlying perspectives, beliefs and value orientations

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