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PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGY. What are the concrete objectives of the partnership? What subjects or problems we intend to address. What approach will.

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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGY. What are the concrete objectives of the partnership? What subjects or problems we intend to address. What approach will."— Presentation transcript:


2 What are the concrete objectives of the partnership? What subjects or problems we intend to address. What approach will we take to achieve our objectives?

3 The concrete objectives of the partnershipping are: ₋ 1-awakening interest among students ₋ 2-encouraging learning the communication language of the partnership –English ₋ 3-developing students skills for teamwork, social skills such as communication, hearing out and giving opinion, reaching an agreement; making new friends.

4 ₋ 4-creating conditions for the development of self-thinking and providing an outlet for children’s creativity ₋ 5-increasing interest and awarness of traditional children games and folk dances both in our country and partner school’s ₋ 6-improving students’ skills to work with the new information technologies.


6  Project name ”Come along and let’s play together”. ₋ We want to share our games especially our old children games with our partner schools from Europe.

7  Coordinator: Turkey. Partner schools are : ◦ Spain, ◦ Poland, ◦ Romania and Latvia.

8  Our traditional games are apt to be forgotten, therefore majority of the students don’t know the games that their father’s and mother’s have played so far.  We dont want to lose our cultural old games.  We should preserve and continue our cultural heritage,too.

9  We want to improve good communication skills among ourselves, we want that our students should play games during the break-times at their schools as well.  While they are playing with each other, they will also learn how to share all the schools values and rules.

10  Games are functional because we can also use them during the lessons very often, especially in English lesson.  We want to improve our student’s capability of using foreign language by this project, too.  We will encourage learning of modern languages by this way.

11  The more students improve good communication skills, the more they will love each other, their schools, and their lessons, so games are very important for primary school children’s creativity, emotional&kinaesthetic intelligence, self-confidence, team work and adaptation to school.  Pupils can improve their abilities to work autonomously and in settings they organise themselves and they show greater self-confidence and motivation to learn.

12  We can share our traditional and functional games with our partner’s by this project.


14  What is the added value of our project towards a more intensive European cooperation?

15 1. The experience gained from the project will give a strong impetus to the schools to seek new opportunities for participation in international projects. 2. We can explore the different educational systems and teaching methods therefore it will encourage teachers to experiment and apply them in their teaching work.

16 3. Partnership between students and teachers will encourage them to learn foreign languages. 4. Teamwork among teachers and pupils from different countries within a partnership will give them opportunity to experience the European dimension. More specifically the activities improve the quality of teachers and increase contact with other countries’ educational systems, knowing how other schools work, meeting new people with a different mentality and way of thinking and living.

17 5. Collaboration of students and teachers in the project will increase the consciousness of active thinking and responsible citizens, ready to solve problems of the present day. Also help young pupils to acquire the basic life skills and competences necessary for their personal development for future.

18 Finally: Sharing culture and developing common understanding will reduce bias. Working together with teachers having different point of view will help understanding diversity of European and Turkish cultures.

19 8. Develop a new game between partners at the end of the project in Spain will improve creativity of the students.

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