K-3 Formative Assessment Process: The Five Domains of Learning Welcome! This webinar will begin at 3:30. While you are waiting, please: Locate the question.

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Presentation on theme: "K-3 Formative Assessment Process: The Five Domains of Learning Welcome! This webinar will begin at 3:30. While you are waiting, please: Locate the question."— Presentation transcript:

1 K-3 Formative Assessment Process: The Five Domains of Learning Welcome! This webinar will begin at 3:30. While you are waiting, please: Locate the question box in the webinar task panel on the right side of your screen: –During the webinar, use the question box to post your questions. –Check our FAQ page on the K-3 Assessment wiki for questions not specifically addressed during this webinar (link provided below). Download the Think Tank Report. It is available on the home page of the NCDPI K-3 Assessment wiki: http://rtt-elc-k3assessment.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/

2 Welcome & Introductions

3 Jami Graham Leslie Simmons Catherine WoodallDarlene Germano Cynthia Dewey Karen Lounsbury Nancy Costello Erika Beattie

4 K-3 Formative Assessment Five Domains of Early Learning and Development North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Office of Early Learning April 2014

5 If you have a question…

6 NCDPI K-3 Assessment Wiki

7 Develop an understanding of the Five Domains of Learning Connect Each Domain to the vision for a NC K-3 Formative Assessment Process Learn of Future Opportunities Five Domains of Learning and Development

8 Background on Assessment Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grant

9 Basis of the K-3 Formative Assessment Process Formative Assessment –A process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to help students improve their achievement of intended instructional outcomes. –CCSSO, 2006

10 Integrated Nature of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

11 K-3 Formative Assessment Vision

12 5 Domains of Learning and Development Approaches to Learning Cognitive Development Language Development & Communication Health & Physical Development Emotional- Social Development

13 Integrated Domains of Development Approaches to Learning Approaches to Learning Claims 1. Students can effectively solve problems by defining goals, describing steps, and evaluating alternative strategies in both academic and social interactions. 2. Students can maintain focus and persevere to accomplish collaborative and individual tasks whether those tasks are chosen by them, or assigned to them. 3. Students can demonstrate curiosity by seeking opportunities – whether independently or in collaboration with peers and teachers – to extend their knowledge.

14 Claim 2 Students can maintain focus and persevere to accomplish collaborative and individual tasks whether those tasks are chosen by them, or assigned to them. Photo Provided By Washington St. School Rockingham, NC Principal, A. Watkins

15 Connecting to the North Carolina Standard Couse of Study Common Core State Standards and NC Essential Standards

16 Connection to the NC K-3 Formative Assessment Vision Observations Questioning Embedded Tasks

17 Health and Physical Development Claims Health and Physical Development 1. Students can demonstrate conceptual knowledge to support healthy behaviors 2. Students can develop skills that contribute to healthy behaviors and reduction of health risks 3. Students can demonstrate competencies in motor skills and movement patterns

18 Health and Physical Domain Focuses on: The physical & motor growth Sound nutritional choices Self care Health/safety practices

19 Fine Motor Skills, Why Observe

20 Language Development and Communication Speaking Listening Reading Writing

21 Language Development & Communication Claims Language Development & Communication 1. Students can use and continue to develop effective listening and communication skills (e.g. verbal and non- verbal) for a range of purposes, audiences, and settings/contexts in increasingly complex ways. 2. Students can acquire and integrate vocabulary, concepts, and the structure of language in increasingly complex ways. 3. Students can acquire the foundational skills for reading and integrate these skills for comprehending increasingly complex texts. 4. Students can acquire the written communication skills that empower students to express their ideas, opinions, and knowledge for a range of purposes and audiences.

22 Emotional –Social Development Feelings about themselves Ability to relate to others Manage and express emotions

23 Integrated Domains of Development Emotional- Social Development Emotional-Social Development Claims 1. Students can identify and communicate about emotions in themselves and others. 2. Students can talk about and use strategies to regulate responses to their own emotions. 3. Students can form and sustain healthy relationships with adults and peers. 4. Students can use appropriate social skills to interact with adults and peers in school.

24  Health & Physical Domain  Language Development & Communication Domain  Cognitive Domain  Social-Emotional Development Domain  Approaches to Learning Domain

25 Cognitive Development Solve Problems Make Connections Construct Knowledge Learn How to Learn

26 Cognitive Domain Cognitive Claims Claim 1: Students use content-independent abilities and strategies as well as content- specific skills, processes, and approaches to solve problems and acquire information. Claim 2: Students can make connections to prior learning, construct knowledge, and demonstrate their understanding using multiple modes of expression. Claim 3: Students can come to understand themselves as learners and acquire dispositions (attitudes, beliefs, and values) that support their academic engagement.

27 K-3 Formative Assessment Vision 5 Domains of Learning and Development

28 Alignment and Connections

29 NCDPI K-3 Assessment Wiki

30 Thank you! Next K-3 Formative Assessment Webinar: June 11, 3:30 to 4:30 – Developmentally Appropriate Practice in K-3

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