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{ Dating Service ActionHandler Listener class details.

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1 { Dating Service ActionHandler Listener class details

2 class ActionHandler implements ActionListener public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // ***STATUS is a String declared at top of the program if(e.getSource() == statusBox) status = (String)statusBox.getSelectedItem(); if(e.getSource() == genderBox) gender = (String)sexBox.getSelectedItem(); Code to get value selected from the combo boxes: e.getSource is a method that returns what component fired an event. In this case, user selected a combo box option

3 // This code displays a help message in a dialog box if help button pressed // method e.getActionCommand knows what button is pressed if(e.getActionCommand().equals("HELP")) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Select R or S for status and then enter data in all the fields ", "INSTRUCTIONS", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE ); A dialog box appears with this message on it "Select R or S for status and then enter data in all the fields ", The parameter “e” knows what component fired an event. In this case, it was the help button

4 Help Button Dialog Box displays help message to enter data in all the fields

5 // declare strings at top of actionperformed method for lastname,firstname etc. to store textfields input if(e.getActionCommand().equals("ADD")) { // displays a dialog box telling user to enter data in all fields JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Be sure data in entered in all the fields", "INSTRUCTIONS", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE ); if(status.equalsIgnoreCase("R")) // If user enter R for a regular client.. { // get the age from age textfield – only regular clients have ages age =Integer.parseInt( ageField.getText()); // get all the data from the other textfields using method // getText() as above, e.g. firstname = firstField.getText) // create a Client and add it to the ArrayList and the listModel List.add(client); // Add client to ArrayList listModel.addElement(client); // If successful, add it to Jlist }// close if status else { // do same code for SeniorClient – no age needed } // close else firstField.setText(""); // Reset all textfields to a space } // close add ADD button was pressed, this code follows help button code

6 ADD BUTTON PRESSED AND DIALOG BOX DISPLAYS “Be sure to enter data in all fields”

7 Reading in from a file The input file looks like this R (for regular clients ) firstname lastname hobby,..etc..... age S(for Senior Clients firstname lastname hobby etc but no age Algorithm: 1.You have to assemble the fields in the file into a Client or Senior Client based on whether or not the input file entry has an age listed, 2. create a new Client or SeniorClient with the input data 1.You then have to add the Client to the ArrayList ( declared at the top of the program) 2.and also add it to the listmodel ( also set up at the top of the constructor -- this represents the jLIST at the top of the GUI. This part of reading in a client at a time is very similar to the code you use to add a new Client in the listener. except in the listener you will get the client data from the textfields.

8 // READ IN CLIENTS DATA FROM A FILE (SAMPLE ON MY SITE FOR PROJECT public void BuildService() { Scanner scan = new Scanner(new File("Client1.txt")); Scanner linescan; try { // DECLARE ALL THE VARIABLES NEEDED E.G. LINE, SCAN Client client; // DECLARE CLIENT OBJECTS SeniorClient sclient; while(scan.hasNext()) // CONTINUES UNTIL NO MORE LINES IN FILE { line = scan.nextLine(); // reads in a line from the file System.out.println(line); // for debugging purposes linescan = new Scanner(line); // create and another scanner for input line while (linescan.hasNext()) // while more fields to process { status =; // read in each field Firstname =; Lastname =; sex =; phone =; hobby =;

9 if(status.charAt(0) == 'R')// if we have a regular Client, collect the value in the agefield { // gets the age using linescan.nextInt() // create the Client // Then add to ArrayList and the listModel ( the Jlist at the top of the GUI) } else { //create a SeniorClient using constructor of SeniorClient class // Then add to ArrayList and the listModel (the Jlist at the top of the //GUI) } // add in the try/ catch clauses } } } }// close method

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