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Course of MT- 362 Material Handling Lecture # 3.

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1 Course of MT- 362 Material Handling Lecture # 3

2 Principles of Material Handling
• Planning principle • Standardization principle • Work principle • Ergonomic principle • Unit load principle • Space utilization • System principle • Automation principle • Environmental principle • Life cycle cost principle

3 Principles of Material Handling
• Planning principle - All material handling should be the result of a deliberate plan where the needs, performance objectives and functional specification of the proposed methods are completely defined at the outset.

4 Planning principle

5 Principles of Material Handling
• Standardization principle - Material handling methods, equipment, controls and software should be standardized within the limits of achieving overall performance objectives and without sacrificing needed flexibility , modularity and throughput (i.e., the quantity of raw materials processed within a given time)

6 Standardization principle

7 Principles of Material Handling
• Work principle - Material handling work should be minimized without sacrificing productivity or the level of service required of the operation - The work principle for MH should be such that it should simplify the handling processes (e.g., by reducing, combining, shortening or eliminating unnecessary moves) • E.g., the shortest distance between two points is a straight line (not a curved path!)

8 Work principle

9 Principles of Material Handling
• Ergonomic principle - Ergonomics is the science that seeks to adapt work or working conditions to suit the abilities of the worker - Human capabilities and limitations must be recognized and respected in the design of material handling tasks and equipment to ensure safe and effective operations

10 Ergonomic principle

11 Principles of Material Handling
• Unit load principle - A unit load is one that can be stored or moved as a single entity at one time, such as a pallet, container or tote (bag), regardless of the number of individual items that make up the load - Unit loads shall be appropriately sized and configured in a way which achieves the material flow and inventory objectives at each stage in the supply chain

12 Unit load principle

13 Principles of Material Handling
• Space utilization principle - Space in material handling is three dimensional and therefore is counted as cubic space - Effective and efficient use must be made of all available space • In work areas, messy and unorganized spaces and blocked passageways should be eliminated • In storage areas, the objective of maximizing storage density must be balanced against accessibility and selectivity • When transporting loads within a facility the use of overhead space should be considered as an option

14 Space utilization principle

15 Principles of Material Handling
• System principle - A system is a collection of interacting and/or interdependent entities that form a unified whole - The MH should be such that material movement and storage activities are fully integrated to form a coordinated and operational system • This system should consist of receiving, inspection, storage, production, assembly, packaging, unitizing, order selection, shipping, transportation and the handling of returns activities

16 Principles of Material Handling
• System principle - Systems integration should include the entire supply chain including reverse (return i.e., two way) logistics - It should include suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and customers - Inventory levels should be minimized at all stages of production and distribution • however process requirements and customer service should be considered

17 Principles of Material Handling
• System principle - Information flow and physical material flow should be integrated and treated as concurrent (simultaneous) activities - Methods should be provided for easily identifying materials and products, for determining their location and status within facilities and within the supply chain and for controlling their movement - Customer requirements and expectations regarding quantity, quality, and on-time delivery should be met without any distinction

18 System principle

19 Principles of Material Handling
• Automation principle - Automation is a technology concerned with the application of electro-mechanical devices, electronics and computer-based systems to operate and control production and service activities. It suggests the linking of multiple mechanical operations to create a system that can be controlled by programmed instructions

20 Principles of Material Handling
• Automation principle - Material handling operations should be mechanized and/or automated where feasible to improve operational efficiency, increase responsiveness, improve consistency and predictability, decrease operating costs and to eliminate repetitive or potentially unsafe manual labor - Pre-existing processes and methods should be simplified and/or re-engineered before any efforts at installing mechanized or automated systems

21 Principles of Material Handling
• Automation principle - Computerized material handling systems should be considered where appropriate for effective integration of material flow and information management - All items expected to be handled automatically must have features that accommodate mechanized and automated handling - Treat all interface issues as critical to successful automation, including equipment to equipment, equipment to load, equipment to operator, and control communications

22 Automation principle

23 Principles of Material Handling
• Environmental principle - Environmental consciousness stems from a desire not to waste natural resources and to predict and eliminate the possible negative effects of our daily actions on the environment - Environmental impact and energy consumption should be considered as criteria when designing or selecting alternative equipment and material handling systems

24 Principles of Material Handling
• Environmental principle - Containers, pallets and other products used to form and protect unit loads should be designed for reusability when possible and/or biodegradability as appropriate - Systems design should accommodate the handling of spent dunnage (wooden boxes), empty containers and other by-products of material handling - Materials specified as hazardous have special needs with regard to spill protection, combustibility and other risks

25 Environmental principle

26 Principles of Material Handling
• Life cycle cost principle - Life cycle costs include all cash flows that will occur between the time the first dollar is spent to plan or procure a new piece of equipment, or to put in place a new method, until that method and/or equipment is totally replaced - A thorough economic analysis should account for the entire life cycle of all material handling equipment and resulting systems

27 Principles of Material Handling
• Life cycle cost principle - Life cycle costs include capital investment, installation, setup and equipment programming, training, system testing and acceptance, operating (labor, utilities, etc.), maintenance and repair, reuse value, and ultimate disposal - A plan for preventive and predictive maintenance should be prepared for the equipment, and the estimated cost of maintenance and spare parts should be included in the economic analysis

28 Principles of Material Handling
• Life cycle cost principle - A long-range plan for replacement of the equipment when it becomes obsolete should be prepared - Although measurable cost is a primary factor, it is certainly not the only factor in selecting among alternatives. Other factors of a strategic nature to the organization and which form the basis for competition in the market place should be considered and quantified whenever possible

29 Life cycle cost principle


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