人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 18 Unit18 New Zealand -Warming up & Listening.

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2 人教修订版 高中一年级 ( 下 ) Unit 18

3 Unit18 New Zealand -Warming up & Listening

4 New Zealand

5 Background to China: Full country name______________________________ Location _________________________________ Area___________________________ □ The largest country □ the 2nd largest country □ the 3rd largest country Population ____________________ Capital city__________________ Languages___________________ Minorities _______________________ Major products/industries_____________________ The People ’ s Republic of China East Asia 9,600,000 square kilometers ☻ Peking/Beijing Standard Chinese 56 nations Silk, iron, oil, coal, clothing, etc. More than1.3 billion

6 Lie 位于,在什么地方 Lie in 位于一个范围内 China lies in the east of Asia. Lie on 与 … 相邻 ; 紧挨着 India lies on the southwest of China. Lie to 不接壤, 隔.. 相望, 但强调方向 Japan lies to the east of China. Lie off 在离..的海上 1. New Zealand lies off the eastern coast of Australia. 新西兰在澳大利亚东海岸外边的一个岛屿. 2. They live on the island off the coast of Fujian. 他们住在福建沿海得一个岛屿上.

7 in to to / on in / to / on the east / south / west / north … of + some place

8 Look at the map of China and the names of countries, islands and seas beyond China.What Are the positions of the different places in relation to China? Beyond 超出 …… (范围) / 在 …… 以外,与 within 对应 e.g. We succeeded beyond our hopes. e.g. Your work is beyond all praise. In/with relation to 与 …… 有关,关于 …… e.g. The book in relation to Harry Potter is read by many children. e.g. with relation to his job, skill is very important.

9 Mongolia( 蒙古 ) Russia Kazakhstan India Thailand North Korea South Korea Japan Pacific Ocean The Yellow See Hainan Island

10 Beijing lies in the northeast of China.

11 Thailand is to the south of China. to

12 India is to / on the southeast of China. to / on

13 Japan lies to the east of China

14 Taiwan lies off the coast of fujian Taiwan lies in the southeast of China.

15 梧州 南宁 河池 百色 柳州 桂林 北海 河池 玉林

16 Wuzhou is in the east of Guangxi


18 Original artwork by Jeff Wilkie. Features a scene of an ocean sunset. An island with palm trees appears on the left side. Four dolphins cavort in the water, surrounded by several species of tropical fish.

19 Listening for information Location: Length: Width: Made up of: Capital: Cities: 1500 kilometers off the coast olf Japan, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Less than a hundred kilometers long. More than 80 kilometers wide. Seven small islands. Winfield Ashton Creek / Winfield / Turnpike / Epsom/

20 Winfield Mount Ashton Forest Ashton Creek Turnpike Epsom Match the mentioned names of places in their proper position in the map of the fictional island. In order to complete this map. Winfield / Mount Ashton /Forest/ Ashton Creek / Turnpike/ Epsom /

21 Speaking Weihai lies about 90 kilometers east of Yantai. east 在此为副词,在 …… 以南, 相当于 to the east of … =Weihai lies to the east of Yantai. e.g. She lives 40 miles east of Chicago. East of the city is a small lake.

22 浙江省位于福建的北部。 Zhejiang lies on/to the north of Fujian. Zhejiang lies north of Fujian. North of Fujian lies Zhejiang.

23 Queenstow n Auckland Wellington North Island South Island PACIFIC OCEAN TASMAN SEA Christchurch Geography Read the 1 st Para and fill the right name of the place

24 Natural beauty Read and underline hot springs ocean and seas beaches hills and mountains plants Kiwi



27 呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1。旗地为 深蓝色,左上方为英国国旗红、白色的 “ 米 ” 字图案,右边有四颗镶白边的红色五角星, 四颗星排列均不对称。新西兰是英联邦成 员国,红、白 “ 米 ” 字图案表明同英国的传统 关系;四颗星表示南十字星座,表明该国 位于南半球,同时还象征独立和希望。


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