Elementary Math Professional Development September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Elementary Math Professional Development September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elementary Math Professional Development September 2014

2 Learning Goal Success Criteria  Explore and identify teacher moves that facilitate spiraling and productive student math talk.  Create norms to facilitate a safe, positive classroom culture.  Identify talk moves to engage students in productive math talk.

3 How can we spiral during our math block?

4 Kindergarten: MAFS.K.MD.2.3 Preview/Spiral Routine MAFS.K.MD.2.3 How would you modify this DEA question for the beginning of the year?

5 First Grade: MAFS.K.MD.2.3 Spiral Routine MAFS.K.MD.2.3

6 Second Grade: Spiral Routine MAFS.1.MD.3.4

7 Third Grade: MAFS.2.MD.4.10 Spiral Routine Graphic Response/Hot Spot

8 Fourth Grade: MAFS.3.MD.2.3 Graphic Response/Hot Spot Spiral Routine

9 Graphic Response- Drawing/Graphing Fifth Grade: Spiral Routine MAFS.4.MD.1.3

10 FSA Quick Guide

11 Math Talk? My definition of a good teacher has changed from “one who explains things so well that students understand” to “one who gets students to explain things so well that they can be understood.” (Steven C. Reinhart, “Never Say Anything a Kid Can Say!” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 5, 8 {2000}:478)

12 Math Talk Characteristics K-2 Math Talk Video 3-5 Math Talk Video

13 If we need to effect change how do we support the purposeful exchange of ideas in the mathematics classroom? Listener Speaker

14 Talk Moves that engage students in discourse  Wait time (Think time)  Revoice  Repeat/rephrase  Agree or disagree and why  Add on  Partner talk

15 What will student math talk and spiraling look and sound like in each part of the model?

16 Wrap-up Wrap Up  Create an action plan to implement a talk move into the math block over the next month.  Create an action plan to implement spiraling into the math block over the next month.

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