Chapter 5: Ancient Greece Lesson 7: Early Classical.

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1 Chapter 5: Ancient Greece Lesson 7: Early Classical

2 Warm-up 10-8-14 Ch.5 L8.1 Greece Respond to the following: 1. What is the title of this site? 2. Who is the patron? 3. What is controversial about this site? 4. What is unusual or irregular about the Parthenon structure? List 3 things. Obj: SWBAT describe the importance of the Acropolis HW Due Today: Read pages 124-128, 132-133

3 High Classical Period The Acropolis Athens, Greece Dates of construction: Patron: Pericles (Athenian leader) 447 BCE-438 BCE General description/significance: Acropolis = “High City” Site was sacked by Persians—much damage suffered Pericles reconstructed the site with Athenian funds Byproduct of tyranny and abuse of power

4 High Classical Period The Parthenon Architecture Significant structural features Irregular features: Curved stylobate– which leaves slight curve through the entablature Columns lean in slightly Corner columns are 2 inches thicker Meaning of Irregular features: each block had to be individual and unique to it’s place in the temple Curving horizontals and tilting vertical lines = Architectural contrapposto Compensation for optical illusions

5 Warm-up 10-2-14 Ch.5 L6 Greece Label the following on WORKSHEET: Obj: SWBAT Describe the unusual characteristics of the Hera I temple HW Due Monday: Test Corrections Only complete the front of the worksheet

6 Antis Opisthodomis Pronaos Styobate Cella

7 Ionic Doric Corinthian Image #1Image #2 Image #3 Image #4Image #5Image #6 Name the capital type

8 Announcements: Mrs Q will have a sub on thurs and Friday next week Excellent report & clean room = movie for a period & a candy bar Bring index cards on Friday to make cue cards Cue Cards #2 Due Monday Announcements: Mrs Q will have a sub on thurs and Friday next week Excellent report & clean room = movie for a period & a candy bar Bring index cards on Friday to make cue cards Cue Cards #2 Due Monday Agenda: Warm-up Announcements and Reminders Review Hera Temple I Agenda: Warm-up Announcements and Reminders Review Hera Temple I Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00 Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00

9 High Classical Period

10 The Parthenon knew/videos/what-the-ancients-knew-the-parthenon-an- optical-illusion.htm


12 Aerial View & Model of the Acropolis Gardner’s Art Through the Ages

13 Three Goddess (Hestia, Dione, and Aphrodite?) Helios and his horses, and Dionysis 1. Helios4. Nike7. Hera10. Atlas 2. Herakles5. Athena8. Hephaistos11. The Hesperides 3. The Fates6. Zeus9. Hermes12. Nyx Parthenon, east pediment sculpture: Helios and his horses and Dionysos (Herakles? )AND Three goddesses (Hestia, Dione, and Aphrodite)

14 Parthenon Pediment Narrative: Figures are judging the competition between Athena and Poseidon to be the city’s patron Left: Spectators Helios (the Sun) with his chariot & horses, male figure is Dionysos or Herakles Right: Witnesses of Athena’s birth 3 Goddesses Hestia, Dione, and Aphrodite Three Goddess (Hestia, Dione, and Aphrodite?) Helios and his horses, and Dionysis

15 Parthenon Pediment General Description: Figures fit into triangular frame Floor = horizon line, the figures and horses raise and fall like the sun over the horizon Three Goddess (Hestia, Dione, and Aphrodite?) Helios and his horses, and Dionysis

16 Parthenon Pediment Stylistic Features: Shows mastery of the rendering of the Human anatomy, male & female, nude & clothed Three Goddess (Hestia, Dione, and Aphrodite?) Helios and his horses, and Dionysis

17 The Elgin Marbles

18 Details of the Panathenaic Festival procession frieze 4 Gardner’s Art Through the Ages

19 High Classical Period Names of structures & locations: 1.The Parthenon 2.Propylaia (west gateway) 3.Erechtheion 4.Temple of Athena Nike 1 2 4 3

20 KALLIKRATES, Temple of Athena Nike Nike adjusting her sandal

21 Temple of Athena Nike Artist: Kallikrates Stylistic characteristics: Amphiprostyle—colannade across front and back Ionic style temple Function: Small temple Commemorates victory over the Persians, especial at Marathon “Nike” Goddess that personifies victory

22 Nike Adjusting her Sandal Stylistic characteristics: Relief sculpture Awkward posture but elegant and graceful Garment clings to body as if wet.

23 Grave stele of Hegeso Flashcard

24 Exit Slip What cultural beliefs do these pieces represent about the classical Greek era? Use 3 examples of VISUAL evidence from these works to justify your answers. The Parthenon/Doryphorous was constructed with.. The function of the Parthenon/Doryphorous was.. Visual EvidenceCultural meaning 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

25 Exit Slip—No Notes Allowed List the 3 unusual characteristics about the Temple of Hera I Paestum, Italy

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