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Published byHope Gregory Modified over 8 years ago
2013-2014 Budget Information
1 OUR School District…OUR Children This helps to maintain and increase property values We achieve this through a serious and balanced approach to year-round fiscal responsibility Excellent and Award-winning Educational Programs
2 Budget Process At all times during the process, the goal is to maintain the highest quality of excellence in our educational program for our students as possible. Our students’ needs come first!
Sources of Revenue Revenue is comprised of four sources: local, state, federal and fund balance. Local revenue sources include real estate taxes, Per Capita taxes, tuitions, earnings on investments and miscellaneous revenue. State revenue sources include state subsidies for Basic Education Funding, Special Education, and Transportation, State Property Tax Relief, Reimbursement for Social Security and Retirement payments. Federal revenue source consists of Title I & II and ACCESS funds that have restricted uses. Fund balance is the difference between net assets and liabilities and results when revenues are greater than expenditures. It’s often referred to as a savings account, but does not consist of only cash.
The Act 1 Index The Act 1 Index is a result of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 2006, which established limits on tax increases. The Index is calculated based on the percentage of increase in the State Wide Average Weekly Wage (SAWW) and the percentage increase in the national Education Cost Index (ECI). The SAWW is determined by the Department of Labor and Industry in the same manner as the Unemployment Compensation Law and it is calculated on the previous calendar year. The ECI is also based on the previous 12-month period beginning July 1 st through June 30 th using Elementary and Secondary school data reported by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. *SAWW calculation changed by Act 6 of 2011 to a 36-month from 12-month Fiscal Year *13/14 12/13 11/12 10/11 09/10 08/09 07/08 06/07 SAWW $875 $872 $855 $847 $825 $788 $756 $735 ECI 117 116 114 112 109 105 101 97 SAWW % + 2.0% 2.1% 0.9% 2.7% 4.6% 4.3% 2.8% 4.2% ECI % + 1.4% 1.3% 1.9% 3.0% 3.6% 4.5% 4.0% 3.5% Base Index 1.7% 1.7% 1.4% 2.9% 4.1% 4.4% 3.4% 3.9%
Revenue Act 1 Index vs. RTMSD Increases 1.7 0%
Delaware County School District Proposed Mills Ranked by Mills - June 2012 For 2012-2013 6 Mills DistrictRankIncr %Incr #12/1311/1210/11 William Penn10.00%0.0040.0600 Wallingford-Swarthmore21.98%0.763039.334038.571037.6260 Chichester31.50%0.565038.300037.735036.2819 Ridley43.29%1.219038.250037.031035.5580 Southeast Delco50.89%0.325036.824636.499635.7840 Upper Darby63.53%1.120032.850031.730030.9000 Interboro70.00%0.000032.2000 31.6000 Garnet Valley82.35%0.667029.055028.388027.4700 Springfield92.70%0.755028.730027.975027.2230 Haverford Twp.102.73%0.709626.730526.020924.4743 Penn-Delco113.04%0.724024.549023.825023.1830 Chester Upland120.69%0.168024.430024.2620 Rose Tree Media131.63%0.362122.614322.2522 Radnor143.21%0.678821.822721.143920.8681 Marple Newtown150.00%0.000017.2199 16.3222 1.84%0.537130.198029.660928.9243
Delaware County School District Proposed Mills Ranked by Percentage - June 2012 7 Mills DistrictRankIncr %Incr #12/1311/1210/11 Upper Darby13.53%1.120032.850031.730030.900 Ridley23.29%1.219038.2537.031035.5580 Radnor33.21%0.678821.822721.143920.8681 Penn-Delco43.04%0.724024.549023.825023.1830 Haverford Twp.52.73%0.709626.730526.020924.4743 Springfield62.70%0.755028.730027.975027.2230 Garnet Valley72.35%0.667029.055028.388027.4700 Wallingford-Swarthmore81.98%0.763039.334038.571037.6260 Rose Tree Media91.63%0.362122.614322.2522 Chichester101.50%0.565038.300037.735036.2819 Southeast Delco110.89%0.325036.824636.499635.7840 Chester Upland120.69%0.168024.430024.2620 Marple Newtown130.00%0.000017.2199 16.3222 Interboro140.00%0.000032.2000 31.6000 William Penn150.00%0.000040.0600 1.84%0.537030.198029.660928.9243
Tax History SchoolMillageRate% YearRateChange 2004/0517.94811.267.55% 2005/0618.77680.834.62% 2006/0719.46950.693.69% 2007/0820.13140.663.40% 2008/0921.09770.974.80% 2009/1021.62510.532.50% 2010/1122.25220.632.90% 2011/1222.25220.000.00% 2012/1322.61430.361.63% 2013/1422.98890.371.66%
Assessment – Ten Year History
Revenue Budget Comparison 12/1313/14 Major ObjectBudget Amount $ Incr/Decr% Incr/Decr Local 66,314,685 67,828,429 1,513,744 2.28% State 11,298,557 12,342,814 1,044,237 9.24% Federal 592,700 636,600 43,900 7.41% Fund Balance 2,099,139 1,673,879 - 425,260 -20.26% Total 80,305,101 82,481,722 2,176,621 2.71%
Revenue Summary
Local Revenue
State Revenue 13/14 % State SourceBudget Amountof Total Basic Education Subsidy 2,654,77621.51% Special Education Funding 1,820,00014.75% Transportation 1,200,0009.72% Property Tax Relief 1,633,24713.23% Social Security Subsidy 1,413,82711.45% Retirement Subsidy 3,132,77425.38% Other 488,1903.96% 12,342,814100.0%
14 1 millage point (mill) is equal to approximately $2.81 million Act 1 Index is 1.7% 2011-2012 Homestead exemption $207 2012-2013 Homestead exemption $209 2013-2014 Homestead exemption $211 Average homeowner assessment is $205,173 Average homeowner tax bill in 2013-2014 $4,717 Increase in average homeowner tax bill for 2013-2014 is $77 The use of $1.5 million in fund balance Key Facts and Figures of the Revenue Budget. -- Key Points --
15 In accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education expenditures are categorized by objects and functions. Objects Salaries - wages for all school district employees Benefits - health care, tuition reimbursement, retirement and social security Contracted Professional Services – tuition to the Intermediate Unit, legal and auditing services Purchased Property Services - utilities, repairs and rentals. Other Purchased Services - transportation, property insurances, advertising, tuitions and travel Supplies- books, general supplies and natural gas. Equipment - computers, furniture and vehicles Other objects – interest on bonds, dues and fees Other Uses of Funds – bond principal and fund transfers Expenditure Budget for 2013-2014
Expenditure Comparison by Function 12/1313/14–$–$–%–% Expense FunctionBudget Amount Incr/Decr Instructional Programs 43,918,147 44,625,442 707,2951.61% Instr Support Svcs 6,687,546 7,330,848 643,3029.62% Admin 3,730,761 4,132,382 401,62110.77% Pupil Health 628,503 649,042 20,5393.27% Business Svcs 1,051,889 1,105,497 53,6085.10% Opn & Maint 7,223,202 7,236,745 13,5430.19% Transportation 4,780,508 5,030,487 249,9795.23% Central Support Svcs 962,688 995,834 33,1463.44% Student Activities 1,346,846 1,418,421 71,5755.31% Debt Service 8,985,667 8,763,727 -221,940-2.47% Other Expenses 989,344 1,193,297 203,95320.61% Total 80,305,101 82,481,722 2,176,6212.71%
Expenditure Comparison by Function
Expenditure Comparison by Object 12/1313/14 Major Object Budget AmountBudget Amount$ Incr/Decr%Incr/Decr Salaries 38,448,968 37,682,404 -766,564 -1.99% Employee Benefits 15,504,596 18,128,181 2,623,585 16.92% Contr Prof. Svc 4,843,478 4,114,573 728,905 -15.05% Purch Property Svcs 2,573,022 3,115,951 542,929 21.10% Other Purchased Svcs5,487,964 5,879,411 391,4477.13% Supplies/Books 3,041,545 3,040,605 -940 -0.03% Property (Equipment) 539,329 665,533 126,20423.40% Other Objects 3,508,808 3,136,061 -372,747-10.62% Other Financing Uses 6,357,391 6,719,003 361,612 5.69% Total80,305,101 82,481,722 2,176,621-2.71%
Expenditure Comparison by Object
20 In accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education expenditures are categorized by objects and functions. Functions 1000 Instruction-regular, special, vocational, alternative education programs and the Delaware County Community College 2000 Support Services-guidance, administration, student health, business, operations and maintenance, student transportation, staff and technology services 3000 Operations of Non-Instructional Services-athletics, student activities, and community services 5000 Other Expenditures and Financing Uses-debt service, fund transfers, and budgetary reserve Expenditure Budget for 2013-2014 is $82,481,722
21 Rose Tree Media School District’s Expenditure Budget for 2013-2014
22 iPad initiative for Penncrest students Reduction in staff through attrition ADSUP II Non-Instructional Instructional Maintain Current Programs Savings through energy efficiencies Key Facts of the Expenditure Budget. -- Key Points --
23 Budget FinalExpenditures 2012-2013 2013-2014 Instructional 1000 $43,918,147 $44,625,442 Support Services/ 2000 25,236,041 26,653,732 Operations Non-Instructional Services 3000 1,515,246 1,588,821 Other Financing Services 5000 9,635,667 9,613,727 Totals $80,305,101 $82,481,722 Budget Final Revenues 2012-2013 2013-2014 Local 6000 $66,314,685 $67,828,429 State 7000 11,298,577 12,342,814 Federal 8000 592,700 636,600 Sub Totals $78,205,962 $80,807,843 Fund Balance 2,099,139 1,673,879 Totals $80,305,101 $82,481,722 Summary Budget
24 Challenges Tax Appeals Level State Funding Unfunded Mandates Charter School Tuition Alternative Education Special Education Future Retirement Costs Rising Health Care Costs
25 Highlights 2013-2014 Homestead exemption $211 Average homeowner assessment is $205,173 Average homeowner tax bill is $4,717 Maintain Current Programs An Award Winning District
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