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Text ---- The Secret to Effective Written Text ---- The Secret to Effective Written Business Communication Business Communication Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading.

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Presentation on theme: "Text ---- The Secret to Effective Written Text ---- The Secret to Effective Written Business Communication Business Communication Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Text ---- The Secret to Effective Written Text ---- The Secret to Effective Written Business Communication Business Communication Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading Extensive Reading Section IV. Extensive Reading Important Words & Expressions Important Words & Expressions Exercises

2 Effective letter writing boils down to knowing why you are writing the letter, understanding your reader’s needs and then clearly writing what you need to say. Every letter should be clear, human, helpful and as friendly as the topic allows. The best letters have a conversational tone and read as if youconversational were talking to your reader. In brief then, discover the Seven-Cs of letter writing. Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading Extensive Reading Section IV. Extensive Reading The Secret to Effective Written Business Communication

3 You should be: 1. clear 2. concise 3. correct 4. courteouscourteous 5. conversational 6. convincing 7. complete When you write a letter, you are trying to convince someone to act or react in a positive way. Your reader will respond quickly only if your meaning is crystal clear. Put yourself in the reader’s shoes and write in a friendly and helpful tone. Don’t represent your companyPut yourself in the reader’s shoes Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading

4 as one that cannot make a mistake and must always be in the right. Try not to reply in the normal bland and defensive way of organizations — write a sincere and helpful letter.bland defensive Show you are interested in the reader’s circumstances. If he or she has mentioned something personal in the letter, refer to it in your reply. This builds a bridge between you and the reader. Read the original letter carefully and see if there is something you can put in your letter to show your interest. For all writers the most important people are their readers. If you keep your readers in mind when you write, it will help you to use the right tone, appropriate language and include the right amount of detail. Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading

5 Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading He values himself on his conversational power. Our English course places great emphasis on conversational skills adj. relating to conversation 谈话的 1. 1. conversational FOR EXAMPLE Important Words & Expressions

6 Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading Airline staff must be courteous at all times, even when passengers are not. She needed to soften her request to make it as polite and courteous as she could. adj. polite and showing respect for other people 有礼貌的 2. 2. courteous FOR EXAMPLE Important Words & Expressions

7 Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading Don't be cross with them. Try to put yourself in their shoes (=imagine what it would feel like to be in their situation). If you was put in her shoes, you would have done the same thing. 设身处地 3. 3. put oneself in sb’s shoes FOR EXAMPLE Important Words & Expressions

8 Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading The language in her speech was deliberately bland. Most job descriptions are bland, boring and totally lacking in colour. adj. without any excitement, strong opinions, or special character 平庸的, 平淡的, 温和的 4. 4. bland FOR EXAMPLE Important Words & Expressions

9 adj. used or intended to protect someone or something against attack; behaving in a way that shows you think someone is criticizing you even if they are not. 防卫的, 防备用的, 辩护的 Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading She's very defensive about her part in the affair. The rockets are a purely defensive measure against nuclear attack. 5. 5. defensive FOR EXAMPLE Important Words & Expressions

10 Fill in the Table Below by Giving the Corresponding Chinese or English Equivalents. Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading EXERCISES Answer the Following Questions According to the Passage.

11 Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading Fill in the Table Below by Giving the Corresponding Chinese or English Equivalents. Business Communication 谈话口吻 positive way 恰当的言辞 courteous 原信 业务交流 积极的方式 礼貌的 conversational tone appropriate language original letter

12 1. What do you need to know before writing a letter ﹖ Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading Answer the Following Questions According to the Passage. Before writing a letter, you need to know why you are writing the letter, understand your reader’s needs and then clearly write what you need to say. Before writing a letter, you need to know why you are writing the letter, understand your reader’s needs and then clearly write what you need to say.

13 Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading 2.What are the principles of letter writing ﹖ Answer the Following Questions According to the Passage. The principles of letter writing are clear, concise, correct, courteous, conversational, convincing, complete. The principles of letter writing are clear, concise, correct, courteous, conversational, convincing, complete.

14 Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading 3.What does “put yourself in the reader’s shoes” mean ﹖ Answer the Following Questions According to the Passage. It means that you should see views of point in the reader’s place. It means that you should see views of point in the reader’s place.

15 Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading 4.How could you write to make your reader respond quickly ﹖ Answer the Following Questions According to the Passage. Your reader will respond quickly only if your meaning is crystal clear. Your reader will respond quickly only if your meaning is crystal clear.

16 Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading 5.What should you write in your reply if he or she has mentioned something personal in the previous letter ﹖ Answer the Following Questions According to the Passage. You should refer to it in your reply and see if there is something you can put in your letter to show your interest. You should refer to it in your reply and see if there is something you can put in your letter to show your interest.

17 Warm-upDialoguesWritingReading Thank you!

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