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Sequence of Events in Spatial Cueing Paradigm +. +  time.

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Presentation on theme: "Sequence of Events in Spatial Cueing Paradigm +. +  time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sequence of Events in Spatial Cueing Paradigm +

2 +  time

3 Sequence of Events in Spatial Cueing Paradigm +  * time

4 Spatial Cueing Independent Variable: type of cue (could also be called cue-target relationship) –Levels: Valid, Invalid, Neutral

5 VALID CUE +  *


7 NEUTRAL CUE + --- *

8 Spatial Cueing Dependant Variable: Reaction time Results Reaction time



11 +






17 SOA (Stimulus Onset Asychrony) +  time

18 SOA (Stimulus Onset Asychrony) +  * time SOA ( ex. 500ms)

19 Valid InvalidValidInvalid REALY short SOA Not too short SOA

20 Inhibition of return keeps attention from revisiting where it has just been. On valid trials that’s what you have to do – so your RT is slower. Valid InvalidValidInvalid REALY short SOA Not too short SOA

21 IVs you could add to spatial cueing task Type of cue (central or peripheral) SOA Target appears Left vs. right Any more???

22 Attentional Blink IV: separation between the two targets --levels (0), 2, 4, 6, 8, seconds IV: target order --levels 1 st or 2 nd DV: Accuracy of detection of targets

23 Attentional Blink Results Correct detections Seconds in between 1 st and 2 nd letter 1 st letter 2 nd letter

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