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Do you know your World’s History?. Do you know your World’s History? Put these events in order: a)Life of Mohammed b)Birth of Jesus c)Plague/Black Death.

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Presentation on theme: "Do you know your World’s History?. Do you know your World’s History? Put these events in order: a)Life of Mohammed b)Birth of Jesus c)Plague/Black Death."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you know your World’s History?

2 Do you know your World’s History? Put these events in order: a)Life of Mohammed b)Birth of Jesus c)Plague/Black Death rages through Europe d)Life of the Buddha e)Founding of Rome f)Life of Alexander the Great g)Discovery of Australia by Europeans h)Egyptians build pyramids i)Protestant Reformation

3 Do you know your World’s History? The correct order is… h) Egyptians build pyramids, c.2500 BCE e) Founding of Rome, 753 BCE d) Life of the Buddha, c.560 BCE f) Life of Alexander the Great, 323 BCE b) Birth of Jesus, 3 CE a) Life of Mohammed, c.600 CE c) Plague/Black Death in Europe, 1348 CE i) Protestant Reformation, 1519 CE g) Discovery of Australia by Europeans, 1770 CE

4 Do you know your World’s History? 1. Start with a blank sheet of paper 2. Draw an outline map of the world 3. Label all the oceans and continents you know (small labels)

5 Do you know your World’s History? 4. Put a  where you think Christianity began 5. Put a  where you think Islam began 6. Put a  where you think Judaism began

6 Do you know your World’s History? 7. Put a H where you think Hinduism began 8. Put a B where you think Buddhism began 9. Put a  where you think the first humans lived

7 Do you know your World’s History? 10. Put a ʘ where you think the wheel was first used for transportation 11. Put a  where you think gunpowder was first used 12. Put a  where you think the first accurate, mobile timepiece was developed

8 Do you know your World’s History? 13. Put a 0 where you think the number zero was invented 14. Put a  on all the continents you think naturally possessed large pack animals (for transport or farming) 15. Put a  where you think the most recently identified new large mammal species was found (in 1992)

9 Do you know your World’s History? 16. Put a  where you think the first functional compass was developed 17. Put a  where you think the first usable paper was developed 18. Draw in the four rivers that were central to the earliest civilizations in history

10 Do you know your World’s History? One more time—really quick! 3. Label all the oceans and continents you can 6.  where Judaism began 5.  where Islam began 4.  where Christianity began 8. B where Buddhism began 7. H where Hinduism began 9.  where humans began 10. ʘ where wheel was used

11 Do you know your World’s History? 11.  where gunpowder was developed 12.  where first clock was developed 13. 0 where zero was invented 14.  where large animals existed 15.  where last mammal was found 16.  where the compass was invented 17.  where paper was developed 18. Draw in 4 major rivers of early history

12 Do you know your World’s History?

13 Oceans and Continents Atlantic Arctic Indian Pacific North America South America Africa Europe Asia Australia Antarctica

14 Where it all began…    H B     0 0     Christianity began about 2,000 years ago in present-day Israel Islam began around 630 CE in present-day Saudi Arabia Judaism began around 2000 BCE, possibly in present-day Turkey Hinduism began at least 3,000 years ago in India Buddhism began about 2,500 years ago in India Humans are thought to have originated in Africa 30,000 years ago The first wheels were probably used in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago The Chinese developed gunpowder about 2,200 years ago The first accurate, mobile clock was invented in London in 1761 The number zero was invented by both the Maya and Indians Pack animals naturally existed in South America, Asia, and Europe The saola was discovered in Vietnam in 1992—it’s like a small deer  The compass was developed by the Chinese around 2,000 years ago  The Egyptians developed papyrus about 5,000 years ago

15 Those all-important rivers… Nile Tigris & Euphrates Yellow Indus No major civilizations emerged as early in the Americas, Europe, or Australia

16 Did you know your World’s History? Q: What is the most important thing you should be able to learn from this activity? A: That there is more to the world and its history than Europe and America Q: What is wrong with this map? A: Nothing—it’s okay to focus on other parts of the world. Why would someone in Asia or Australia use a map that focuses on the Atlantic Ocean? Realize that you must look at this topic globally and without judging others based on our accepted norms and customs.

17 Welcome to AP World History your ‘ s

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