Values Help Us Make Important Decisions They help us decide- Right vs. Wrong Good vs. Bad Moral vs. Immoral Important vs. Unimportant.

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2 Values Help Us Make Important Decisions They help us decide- Right vs. Wrong Good vs. Bad Moral vs. Immoral Important vs. Unimportant

3 THE GREAT DECISION MAKING MODEL G ive thought to the problem R eview your choices E valuate the consequences of each choice Don’t forget to Consider your Values A ssess and choose the best choice (consider your values) T hink it over afterward

4 EXAMPLE THE PROBLEM: my friend is being abused CHOICES : 1. I could do nothing 2. take her to the school counselor 3. tell my parents or her mother (any trusted adult) THE CONS: 1. she will get mad at you 2. she will not trust you anymore 3. you could lose her friendship THE PROS: 1. she will be safe 2. she will understand how much you care 3. she will get the help that she needs CONSIDER YOUR VALUES: Responsibility, Respect, Love, Sincerity DECIDE: I decide to take her to the counselor

5 Trouble Rules A set of questions you ask yourself when making a difficult decision to avoid getting into trouble!. Is it against the law? Will someone in authority get mad? Could it cause harm? Is it against my values? If your answer is yes to any of the trouble rules you should say “NO”.

6 Scenario You are at a party and your friend who drove you continues to drink throughout the night. It is now 1:30 a.m. and you are tired and want to go home. Most of your friends have already left the party. Your friend who has been drinking all night offers you a ride home. You are unsure about his sobriety at this point. He seems really drunk. You can smell the alcohol on his breath and he is slurring his words. You don’t have a driver’s license. The party is getting wilder and it doesn’t seem like you will be able to safely “crash” there. What do you decide to do?

7 Role Plays A friend offers a ride to you & and other friend who are walking to the beach. The car (not a van) already has 6 passengers. Without a ride you will have a two mile walk to the beach. Your best friend is mad at someone from school and wants to sneak out late one night to egg the person’s house. Your best friend wants you to come too.

8 More role plays - You have math class first period. Your friend has it 4 th period. He did not study for the test today. He asks you text message the answers to him. Your friend says she does not have enough money to buy a new pair of jeans. She wants you to help her shop lift the pants.

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