Haiku Poetry. Definition Three-line, seventeen syllable unrhymed poem which uses nature as its primary focus.

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Presentation on theme: "Haiku Poetry. Definition Three-line, seventeen syllable unrhymed poem which uses nature as its primary focus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Haiku Poetry

2 Definition Three-line, seventeen syllable unrhymed poem which uses nature as its primary focus.

3 An old silent pond A frog jumps into the pond Splash, silence again. Basho

4 In the darkest woods A weeping willow tree cries Who made such sadness? G. Lipson

5 Drooping green branches Weighted down with heavy snow Waiting for the spring.

6 Snowflakes falling down In a whirl of dancing glee Cold ballerina

7 Assignment for the Day 1. You are to write two haikus. 2. One is to be about a season of the year. 3. The other may be about any form of nature. 4. Don’t forget to follow the pattern of a haiku!

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