The Last Word: Assignment 14 for tomorrow Consider: What is the most important function performed by media in the US? Does it do that well? "Fox News host.

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Presentation on theme: "The Last Word: Assignment 14 for tomorrow Consider: What is the most important function performed by media in the US? Does it do that well? "Fox News host."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Last Word: Assignment 14 for tomorrow Consider: What is the most important function performed by media in the US? Does it do that well? "Fox News host Megyn Kelly now says she was just kidding when she said Santa Claus is white. However, she's standing by her statement that the Grinch who stole Christmas, definitely Jewish." –Conan O'Brien "It's really starting the look like Hillary Clinton's going to run. The digital team behind both of President Obama's campaigns is already preparing for a Hillary Clinton run. They're starting early because they've got to delete 10 years of Bill Clinton's browser history." –Conan O'Brien "An entrepreneur has made a device that can prevent the NSA from spying on you by blocking your laptop's camera. This new high-tech device is called a small piece of tape." –Conan O'Brien "Is Santa Clause an American? Well he is fat and wears a velvet track suit." –Stephen Colbert "George Zimmerman is auctioning an original painting for $100,000. $100,000? Man, this guy is getting away with murder." –Stephen Colbert

2 Unit 3: AP Government and Politics “The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” - Malcolm X

3  Newspapers mostly free from regulation  “After the fact” is just about the only time they can be sued or prosecuted – no prior restraint ▪ Libel and slander are much harder to prove and collect damages for in the US  Confidentiality rules for sources ▪ Not total; courts can compel reporters to give up sources, if related to crime  Regulation of radio/TV  FCC licenses required; stations must serve “community needs”  Regulation has been decreasing in recent years ▪ Radio has been deregulated the most – Telecommunications Act of 1996 opens up ownership of multiple stations in a single market  Equal Time, Right of Reply Rule and Political Editorializing rules in effect.

4  Professional norms and integrity  Code of Ethics Avoiding conflicts of interest Verifying information  Dealing with sources On/off the record On/deep background


6  Press release Official written document  Press briefing Press secretary represents official Q&A on specific topic  Press conference General Q&A with official

7  Obama – in 5 years, 94 press conferences, or about 20 per year

8  The purposeful or accidental disclosure of otherwise secret or nascent information  Why do these occur?  Separation of powers creates competition and desire to lessen image of others  Press and politicians distrust each other – adversarial press  “Float” a particular policy or political idea to gauge reaction of public  “Whistleblower”

9  Receives most media coverage  One person vs. 535 vs. “secret” Court  Prestigious post for a reporter  White House has stature and historical importance for reporters  Daily Q&A with press secretary  Appears much more than President for press conferences

10  Logistical Challenge  535 members – who to focus on  Focus on party leaders  Maj, min leaders in both houses, committee chairs, etc.  Local news does give coverage to local reps/senators  Coverage is often negative  Scandals and conflict often make headlines  Weiner-gate, Trey Radel, the list goes on…

11  Media vacuum  TV cameras not permitted  Few reporters cover Court; Complex legal issues harder to present to public, thus less interesting  Justices rarely grant interviews

12 

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