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Computational Semantics Day 5: Inference Aljoscha.

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1 Computational Semantics Day 5: Inference Aljoscha Burchardt, Alexander Koller, Stephan Walter, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany ESSLLI 2004, Nancy, France

2 Where are we by now? So far: Sentence: John loves Mary. Linguistic Analysis… SyntaxSemantic construction lexicon Formula: love(john, mary) Why??? Why meaning? Why logic?

3 Motivations Why meaning? 1.The big question in the background of semantics: How do linguistic expressions relate to the world? 2.The need for inference in a broad sense is omnipresent in linguistic processing: Getting some piece of information out of another. This process is meaning based. Why logic? Using logic helps us in answering both problems at once.

4 Meaning based linguistic Inferences Answering questions: A: "Is Peter happy" B: Discourse „There is my car. The roof is red.“ => The roof of this particular car. Pragmatics A: „Shall we watch Athens?“, B: „Oh, I hate Sports“  Answer is "no."... Peter loves Mary and she doesn't love him. No one is happy if he isn't loved by the one he loves.  Peter is not happy "No"

5 Logical Inferences Argumentation: Classical field => Answering questions „Every human is mortal“, „Socrates is a human“ => Socrates is mortal.  x.human(x) -> mortal(x), human(soc) |= mortal(soc) Discourse, Pragmatics,... Inference problems during processing: –logical relations between readings (equivalence, implication, contradiction)  y ,y)  x ,y)  x ,y)  y ,y) –discourse maxims: utterance consistent? informative? … –"lexical" inference: "Brussels lowers taxes" –presuppositions

6 Next… How do linguistic expressions relate to the world? Building logical representations is a step towards a scientific theory of this relation! They're a way of replacing something we don't understand by something we understand (at least better). Why? Because we have a formal way of saying what they mean: Models.

7 The big question of semantics John loves Mary and Peter doesn't.   love(john,mary)  love(peter,mary) {man(john), man(peter), woman(mary), love(john,mary)} ??? "Understanding language" Semantic construction Logics Cognition / Ontology ???

8 Plan for Today What's the advantage of FOL-formulae?  Interpretations and models Doing things with semantic representations  Logical Inference and Proof Theory  A calculus Automated Theorem Proving (first steps)  An implementation of propositional tableaux A sample application

9 FOL-semantics What does a FO-formula mean? It may be true or false (that's all) Whether it is true or false is calculated given a model.  So: A formula is true or false in a model. But what is a model?

10 Models –John loves Mary. –John is a man. –Mary doesn't love John. –Peter is a man. –Mary isn't a man. –Mary is a woman. –…–… A model can be thought of as a set of basic facts that describe a part of the world. E.g., talking about John, Mary, Peter, love, man and woman : In this listing: 1.Who is there? 2.Which properties do (or don't) they have?

11 Formally This intuition is formalized as follows: A model is an ordered pair of a set and a Function: M=(D, F) The domain: What is there. The interpretation function: Which properties do these things have? (and more…)

12 Example model D = { John, Mary, Peter } F = {(John, John), (Mary, Mary), (Peter, Peter ) (man, { John, Peter }), (woman, { Mary }), (love, {( John, Mary )}) }

13 Truth in a model g: Assignment function, assigning values from D to variables iffandiff orifforiff for some x-variant g' of gifffor all x-variants g' of g

14 Models as Sets of Formulae For our purposes, models are simply sets of literals (i.e. positive or negative atomic formulae).  Set contains all literals that are true in the model. Our example: {man(john), man(peter), woman(mary), love(john,mary),  love(mary,john),…} Truth of atomic formulae without variables: R(t 1,…,t n )  M

15 From theory to practice Models define the semantics of logical languages… …and are an interesting concept for relating language and the world. But they're also of practical importance: They're the key to a formalization of inference. Now: some further important logical notions.

16 Inference and Entailment Valid inference: Truth of premises guarantees truth of conclusion. Entailment: Talking about all models. Concept directly captures syllogistic reasoning. For all M, g such that: and P, Q, … | = R and… we have:

17 Validity A related notion: Truth of a formula in all models: Validity | = A iff for all M,g: Validity formalizes the notion of tautology, e.g.: Sylvester is either a cat or not. | = cat(s) v  cat(s) Relation to entailment via the deduction theorem: A |= B iff |= A  B

18 Where are we now? Why meaning? Why logic? Relation to the world: Models Inferences: Entailment and validity How to compute with these notions?

19 How to work with all models? Entailment and validity are both defined with respect to all models. Problem: There are infinitely many models. How can we work with these notions then? Idea: Tell whether a formula is valid or not just by looking at it! The answer: A calculus.

20 Calculi Calculi are rule-based systems for manipulating formulae according to their structure. Some of the resulting configurations are called proofs. Formulas with proofs are called theorems. A good calculus produces a proof iff its input formula is valid.

21 "Good" Calculi Good Calculi are: 1.Sound: Only valid formulae get a proof. 2.Complete: All valid formulae get a proof. In other words: All and only theorems are valid. |- ≡ |= To achieve this, one has to give the right rules. Let's try…

22 Tableaux: The intuition I Truth conditions tell us what would have to hold in a model for a given formula, e.g.: –A and B hold in all models for A  B –For A  B, there are two kinds of models: Those for A and those for B. –…–… If we go on decomposing a formulas that way, we end up with sets of literals  models Example: smoke(john)  (  love(mary,john)   love(john,mary))  {smoke(john),  love(john, mary)}  {smoke(john),  love(mary, john)}

23 Tableaux: The intuition II We know: If a formula is valid, it's always true. I.e.: No model makes it false. Making formulae false: ( smoke(john)  walk(john)) F  {  smoke(john),  walk(john)} ( smoke(john)   smoke(john)) F  {smoke(john),  smoke(john)}  "sign"

24 Tableaux If we want to know whether a formula is valid, we systematically try to find a model that would make it false… … hoping that we find none. That is, all attempts should lead to contradictions. Next: A look at: ()F)F  ((p  q)  (  p  q))







31 A simple fragment Next: The rules for a tableaux calculus for predicate logic without variables and quantifiers. –Actually propositional logic –Advantage 1: Decidable –Advantage 2: Rules are easy –Disadvantage: Boring and restricted More is possible – but not here and now.

32 Preprocessing Reduce the number of connectives by translating  and  to  and . Use logical equivalences: 1.A  B   (  A   B) „De Morgan“ 2.A  B   (A   B)

33 Tableaux Inference Rules

34 “Mary loves Bill or John loves Mary'' |= ``John loves Mary“ ???

35 Summing up Using predicate logic as representation language seemed to be a design decision on Monday. Now we're happy we did it: –Models tell us when sentences are true. –Models give us a concept of logical inference. –This concept can be mechanized by calculi. After the break: Calculi can be implemented in provers. And provers are useful!

36 More logics - Changing the language and/or the semantics. Different phenomena, different logics: –Intensional logic ( John seeks a unicorn ) –Temporal logics (tense) –Dynamic logics (anaphora) –Higher Order (quantifiers) Different tasks – different tools –Decidability and complexity –From propositional over first order to higher order –In between. E.g. Description logics.

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