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Daily routine of an engineer Javier Oñate Lagos 27 years old.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily routine of an engineer Javier Oñate Lagos 27 years old."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily routine of an engineer Javier Oñate Lagos 27 years old

2 Javier wakes up and gets up at 6:30 a.m. He takes a shower.

3 He brushes his teeth and puts on his clothes

4 He eats breakfast and leaves his home at 7:50, he drives his car to Gaete construction

5 When he arrives he checks his e-mail. Javier meets with the workers outside and gives them the work instructions

6 From 9:30 to 12:30 p.m. he works in his office, there he makes the planning Javier has lunch in his office at 13:00

7 Later, he smokes a cigarette and he comes back to work out side and gives to workers the instructions. Javier works there from 14:00 to 18:00

8 Javier leaves the work at 18:10 and drives his car to home. In home he checks his e- mail again

9 When Javier is in home he works for next day, later he eats dinner at 19:30

10 He watches the news on tv from 21:00 to 22:00, later he watches tv programs like the simpsons or family guy. Javier goes to bed at 23:30

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