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“You Are the Power” Lesson 9.15 Created By: Pam Gunter.

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Presentation on theme: "“You Are the Power” Lesson 9.15 Created By: Pam Gunter."— Presentation transcript:

1 “You Are the Power” Lesson 9.15 Created By: Pam Gunter

2 Materials Needed: Each student needs a piece of paper and pencil. Classroom Setup: Sit at their desks or a table.

3 Explain that much like learning math, physics, reading and writing skills, life skills need to be practiced and used, or the skills will be lost. Emphasize the importance of developing good life skills now so they will carry throughout high school, college and their career. Explain that exercising productive life skills will build stronger relationships, help them achieve their goals, and be an influence to those around them for good. We are a product of our efforts, discipline, character, and self- worth. What we do in our everyday lives affects our future, and influences those around us. We have the power to shape our destiny.

4 Every step we take, every conversation we have and every action we make is a reflection of who we are and who we will become. We have the power to decide what type of shoes to walk in, what path we choose to walk down, what experiences we have along the trek, and what destination we are aiming for. This is the time to dream. Decide today, right now, what it is you desire out of life. Write down 3, easy to remember commitment statements to yourself that will be a strength to you, as you determine the path you choose to take. Remember, you are in full control of who you are today, and what you become in the future. Everyone has obstacles, but those obstacles can be overcome, if desired. Sometimes we need to reach out to our mentors for help to overcome obstacles, provide support, and help us see our good qualities, gifts and talents.

5 A sample commitment statement could be something like: “I commit to myself that I will exercise strong character traits throughout my life, and be an influence for good to all that I come in contact with by being respectful, honest, courageous and treating others as I desire to be treated.” “I promise to only engage in positive self-talk encouraging me daily that I will achieve my goals and aspirations.” “I will consistently treat others as I desire to be treated; I know that it is only through my positive and constructive actions that I will achieve my desired destiny.” “I will draw on my internal strengths, life skills, and personal power to overcome my obstacles and accomplish my goals.” Have the students complete 3 statements that they can repeat daily to give them strength and encouragement as they implement the many lessons learned over the past several weeks.

6 They have learned many life skills that will help them achieve their goals in life. As they exercise the principles they’ve learned, they will be an influence for good to other’s around them. Remaining focused on their goals and developing life skills, they will become a better and stronger person. Everyone chooses their journey. Although there are obstacles in life, they can be overcome. Sometimes we need to rely on our mentors for support, guidance and encouragement. Be sure to find mentors that will fit the bill! Develop 3 powerful commitment statements that will provide encouragement and strength as you need it.

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