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Teens, Sex, and The Law Lesson 5A. Sexual Harassment.

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Presentation on theme: "Teens, Sex, and The Law Lesson 5A. Sexual Harassment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teens, Sex, and The Law Lesson 5A

2 Sexual Harassment

3 Sexual Harassment… is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. unreasonably interferes with an individual’s life, including schoolwork performance, due to an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Is deliberate, repeated, unwelcome, and hostile.

4 Examples of Harassment Sending suggestive pictures through email or on cell phones (sexting is a felony!) Making sexual comments on a webpage, email, or cell phone Repeatedly calling or emailing someone when they have asked you to stop Sexual or “dirty” jokes Comments about or staring at body parts Spreading sexual rumors

5 An Example A girl you know keeps sending you sexually explicit text messages. You have told her multiple times to leave you alone and that you are not interested. However, she continues to send the text messages even though you told her to stop.

6 Criminal Law

7 It Can be Against the LAW! Criminal Law: Sexual Activity as a Teen

8 Sexual Contact What does the law mean by sexual contact? Intentional touching of the genitals, breasts, and/or buttocks Touching someone with the intent to sexually arouse or gratify

9 Age of Consent What does this mean? Age of consent is the age at which state law says you are old enough to make the decision whether or not to have sex.

10 Age of Consent Each state determines the legal age difference between two people having sex when at least one is a minor.

11 It’s ALL Sex!

12 Punishments for Sexual Crimes Prison Probation Special Programs Court Costs Boot Camp Curfew Fines Community Service State Youth Commission

13 Types of Crimes A misdemeanor is a crime less serious than a felony and punishable by a fine, jail time, or both. A felony is a serious crime punishable by prison time or death.

14 Misdemeanor Sexual Offenses Public Lewdness (Sexual activity in a public place) Indecent Exposure (Flashing) Disorderly Conduct (Mooning)

15 Felony Sexual Offenses Indecency with a Child Sexual Assault (rape) Aggravated Sexual Assault

16 Indecency with a Child ● ● Sexual contact with a child ● ● Indecent exposure when a child is present

17 Sexual Assault (Rape) ● ● Sexual intercourse, oral sex, contact with or penetration of the genitals or anus of a child ● ● Using force or threats to accomplish any of these acts regardless of age ● ● Most sexual assaults, like child sexual abuse, are committed by someone the victim knows

18 Sexual Assault (Rape) Unwanted or forced Touching of the genitals and/or Penetration of the mouth, vagina, or anus by the penis Sexual contact with someone under the legal age to consent to sex Sex with someone under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

19 Sexual Assault (Rape): What if it Happens to Me? Don’t blame yourself- -it is NEVER your fault Get help--tell a trusted adult and REPORT the abuse BE BELIEVED

20 Aggravated Sexual Assault Sex involving any of the following... ● ● a child under the age of consent (forced or unforced) ● threats of death, serious injury, or kidnapping ● a deadly weapon -- including hands ● drugs

21 Why Teens Don’t Report Sexual Assault

22 About 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be victims of sexual abuse by age 18. Sexual Abuse and Assault: the Unfortunate Reality

23 Childhood sexual abuse... is a person using a child for sexual pleasure. is usually committed by someone the victim knows (relative, friend, babysitter). is incest when it occurs between a child and a relative or step-relative. Sexual activity with a child is ALWAYS wrong! A child is someone who is too young to legally consent to sex.

24 Sexual Assault (Rape) Forced sex is against the law. Sex with someone unable to resist due to drugs or alcohol is also against the law!!

25 Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) street name: Roofies GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) street names: Liquid X, Grievous Bodily Harm, Easy Lay, Saltwater, Gammo O Ketamine street name: K, Special K, Vitamin K, New Ecstasy, Psychedelic Heroin, Ketalar, Ketaject, Super-K and Breakfast Cereal Possessing or Administering Date Rape Drugs Is a FELONY!

26 Registering as a Sex Offender

27 Cyber Assault: Child Pornography unwanted exposure to sexual images or pornographic web sites sexual or aggressive solicitation pedophiles The Internet creates easy access to child pornography

28 Online Sexual Offenses It is illegal to make sexual suggestions or send nude photos over the Internet or by phone to someone under the age of consent. SEXTING

29 Porn Laws for Sexting Teens In most states, teenagers who send or receive sexually explicit photographs by cell phone or computer, known as sexting, have risked felony child pornography charges and being listed on a sex offender registry for decades. There are real risks that sexually explicit pictures, meant to be shared only with a friend or partner, will make their way into wide publication on the Internet and into the hands of sexual predators.

30 Porn Laws for Sexting Teens In Iowa, an 18 year old male is on the sex offenders registry because he was convicted of distributing obscene materials to a minor after he sent a picture of his penis by cell phone to a 14 year old female friend.

31 Porn Laws for Sexting Teens In Florida, an 18 year old male was charged with distributing child pornography and put on the sex offenders registry because he sent a photograph of his nude 16 year old girlfriend by email to dozens of people.

32 Do Teens Really get Prosecuted?? Yes!!

33 Sex Crimes Laws regarding sexual issues vary by state and can be confusing. Ignorance of the law is NO excuse. Know the LAWS!!

34 Making Responsible Decisions

35 Avoid potentially risky situations Home alone with boyfriend or girlfriend Isolated areas when with a date Gatherings where drugs or alcohols are available Constant sexual pressure from friends or date

36 Stay in groups - it’s safer Trust your instincts Never leave a drink unattended at a party Be critical of who you date Question dating someone much older than you Watch out for yourself and your friends Be sure to…

37 Sexual Set-up: “Grooming”

38 Extremely nice Gifts Very complimentary Gaining your trust Makes you feel slightly uncomfortable Start to make sexual comments Begin to invade your privacy

39 Grooming Can you think of an example of sexual grooming?

40 Sad Facts The victim usually knows the perpetrator. The assault usually takes place in home of the victim or perpetrator. Unfortunately, 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually assaulted before the age of 18.

41 What if someone I know is sexually assaulted? Get them to a safe place Report it to the police immediately Tell them not to shower, brush their teeth, change clothes or use the bathroom Let them know that it is not their fault

42 Is everyone having sex? NO! Surveys of US high school students reveal over half are NOT having sex!!

43 QUESTION Who is usually the perpetrator of a sexual assault?

44 QUESTION Where does sexual assault usually occur?

45 QUESTION When is a person beyond the point of saying no to sex?

46 QUESTION If you are dating someone, do you have to have sex with them?

47 QUESTION If I had sex with my last partner, should I have sex with my next partner?

48 QUESTION What could happen to a person convicted of sexual assault?

49 Now let’s talk about family law.

50 Teen Parenting When a teen girl has a baby or a teen boy fathers a baby, what are some legal issues or responsibilities that need to be determined? Who will the baby live with? (custody) Who will be financially responsible?

51 Legally, parents must provide... Care, Support, Protection, and Supervision Food, Clothing and Shelter Medical Care Generally until the child is age 18.

52 He is still responsible! What if the Father Didn’t Know He Had a Child

53 Genetic Paternity Test A genetic paternity test determines the father of a child by using DNA.

54 Courts Can Decide l l Custody l l Visitation Rights l l Child Support

55 The decision is based on what is best for the child, NOT the gender of the parents or their marital status! Custody is... a decision that determines who will care for a child and where that child will live.

56 permission to visit a child as determined by a judge. Visitation is...

57 money the courts order parents to pay for a child’s living and medical expenses. Child support is...

58 Paying Child Support Pay Check Court Parent Child’s Expenses

59 Attorney Fees/ Court Costs Failing to Pay Child Support Possible Penalties Probation Jail/Fines Sell Property Suspend Licenses Bad Credit

60 Things a Teen Wants Things a Baby Needs ADMIT ONE M O V I E Show Time: 7:30 PM Can You Afford to Raise a Child?

61 l limited financial assistance from the government. l for a limited period of time. Welfare is... WELFARE ISN’T ENOUGH!

62 Problems of Teen Pregnancy Financial hardships Lower educational levels Fatherless homes account for many problems in children

63 Sex & the LAW Having sex as a pre-teen or young teenager can result in serious medical and emotional problems. That’s why all states have laws to protect you.

64 How to Avoid Legal Problems Abstinence, not having sex, is the only 100% proven way to avoid legal problems associated with sexual activity.


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