Team E Michele Beard Megan Hamand Gladys Mendoza Kyla Porter Kimberly Thomas.

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2 Team E Michele Beard Megan Hamand Gladys Mendoza Kyla Porter Kimberly Thomas

3 RecognizeReportMeasure

4  CON 1 lists objectives of accounting, and CON 2 & CON 3 provide the qualitative characteristics of useful accounting information and the elements of financial statements.  CON 5 identifies the concepts used in identifying and applying accounting standards... It is the “HOW” of accomplishing the objectives of accounting.


6  The FASB spent several years studying these concepts.  The need to develop these concepts was identified early, and listed in CON 1

7  Recognition and Measurement are conceptually combined  The FASB followed due process in developing the statement.  Changes were made to the Exposure Draft of CON 5 based on suggestions from comment letters, mostly to improve clarity and organization.

8 1. Economic entity 2. Going concern 3. Monetary unit 4. Periodicity Assumptions 1. Measurement 2. Revenue Recognition 3. Expense Recognition 4. Full Disclosure Principles 1. Cost-benefit 2. Materiality 3. Industry Practice 4. Conservatism Constraints Recognition and Measurement Concepts

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