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© 2005 course technology1 1 1 University Of Palestine UML for The IT Business Analyst A practical guide to Object Oriented Requirement Gathering Hoard.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2005 course technology1 1 1 University Of Palestine UML for The IT Business Analyst A practical guide to Object Oriented Requirement Gathering Hoard."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2005 course technology1 1 1 University Of Palestine UML for The IT Business Analyst A practical guide to Object Oriented Requirement Gathering Hoard Podeswa Instructor: Mr. Ahmed Al Astal Chapter 5 (Cont.) Scoping the IT Project with System Use Cases

2 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) To draw a system use-case diagram, follow these steps: 1.Copy all of the actors connected to the package in the main use- case package diagram onto the new diagram. This will ensure that you don’t forget any actors. 2.Draw a system use-case symbol (an oval) to represent each user goal within the package. 3.Connect the actors to the use cases using the UML association symbol: a solid line that may, if desired, be adorned (as UML puts it) with an open arrowhead. The following steps explain the rules for drawing the association. 4.Connect an actor to a system use case if the actor participates in any way while the use case plays out. If all you can say at this time is that the actor participates somehow, use a solid line.

3 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) 5. If the actor initiates the system use case, draw an arrow that points from the actor to the use case. This designates the actor as a primary actor for the use case.. 6.If the actor gets involved only after the system use case has already begun, draw the arrow from the use case to the actor. 7.If several possible actors may initiate the system use case, connect all of them to the use case as primary actors. 8.If all of the specialized actors of a generalized actor participate with the use case, draw an association between the generalized actor and the use case. It implies association with the specializations.

4 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) Is There a Rule of Thumb for How Many System Use Cases a Project Would Have? No. Ivar Jacobson recommends about 20 use cases for a 10 person-year3 project. Martin Fowler reports about 100 use cases for a project of the same size. Keep in mind that one reason for splitting requirements into system use cases is to assist the planning of releases.

5 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) Case Study E3: System Use-Case Diagrams A) Manage Case You have just conducted a meeting with stakeholders to discuss the business use case, Manage case. You’ve circulated the business use-case description and activity diagram as in Slides No 8,9,10,11 in Chapter 4_d Slides.

6 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) Here’s how the interview progresses from that point: You ask stakeholders how much of this process can be automated. They tell you that there is no budget for automation in the communities themselves, but only at the head office. They clarify that a case moves out of the community to the head office when the Convener performs the activity Prepare case report. Next, you ask users to rephrase this activity as a goal they would be trying to achieve through their interaction with the IT system.

7 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) They say that the goal would be to update case information; that is, to open up a new case and later to add information about the case if necessary. Accordingly, you name the system use case Update case.

8 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) B) Administer Payments Next, you discuss the Administer payments business use case with the users. You’ve circulated the business use-case description and activity diagram as in Slides No 12, 13, 14 in Chapter 4_d Slides..

9 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) Once again, you have a discussion with the stakeholders about automation. You learn that, as originally scoped, the project will not incorporate the actual generation of payments, these will remain the responsibility of the existing AP system. the new system will need to interface with the AP system. Also, the new system should be able to assist the Convener in performing all of the other steps in the process.

10 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) Next you ask stakeholders to group the activities, thinking of what they would expect to accomplish in each session with the computer. You learn that the process of reviewing a case and marking it as payable or non-payable is all part of the same user goal. They envision a separate session for disbursing the payments for cases that have earlier been deemed payable. The transactions will be sent to the AP system at that time.

11 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) This yields the following use cases:  Review case  Disburse payments Note how this meeting, focused on system use cases, really keeps you in tune with the users’ experience; this is the main point of the use-case approach.

12 © 2005 course technology12 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) C) Other Business Use Cases In similar meetings regarding the other business use cases, you’ve identified the following system use cases. Generate reports package: Generate funder reports: initiated by any CPP member. The reports are sent to the Funders. Generate government reports: initiated by any CPP member. The reports are sent to a Government Body.

13 © 2005 course technology13 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) Other Business Use Cases (Cont.) Manage administration package: Update Peace Committees: initiated by the CPP General Administrator to add or update information on the Peace Committees located in the Communities. Update CPP Member List: initiated by the CPP General Administrator to add or update information about members of the central CPP organization, working out of the head office. Set system parameters: initiated by the CPP General Administrator to “tweak” the system.

14 © 2005 course technology14 University Of Palestine Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) Now here are the diagrams resulted from case study E3: System Use Case Package Diagram.

15 © 2005 course technology15 Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) Now here are the diagrams resulted from case study E3: University Of Palestine System Use Cases in generate reports package

16 © 2005 course technology16 Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) Now here are the diagrams resulted from case study E3: University Of Palestine System Use Cases in Manage Administration package

17 © 2005 course technology17 Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) Now here are the diagrams resulted from case study E3: University Of Palestine System Use Cases in Administer Payments package

18 © 2005 course technology18 Step 1b iii: Identify System Use Cases (System Use-Case Diagram) (Cont.) Now here are the diagrams resulted from case study E3: University Of Palestine System Use Cases in Manage Case package

19 © 2005 course technology19 Step 1c: Begin Static Model (Class Diagrams for Key Business Classes) As you’ve worked through the initiation of the project, business terms such as “case” and “peace gathering” have come up. Now is an appropriate time to begin formally defining these business concepts and their relationships to each other. You do this by beginning the static model—drawing class diagrams for the main business classes. Figure 5.14 shows a class diagram describing some of the main business classes that have come up during the Initiation phase. University Of Palestine

20 © 2005 course technology20 Step 1c: Begin Static Model (Class Diagrams for Key Business Classes) University Of Palestine

21 © 2005 course technology21 Step 1d: Set Baseline for Analysis (BRD/Initiation) Once the initiation phase of the project is over, you need to “baseline” your analysis. This simply means saving the state of the analysis at this point and putting it under change control. By baselining your documentation, you’ll be able to check later, if changes are requested, to see whether or not they represent a change from the original scope of the project. The analysis also becomes the starting point for the next phase of the project,Analysis. University Of Palestine

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