Between 1933 and 1939: 400 separate laws were passed to define, isolate, exclude, segregate, and impoverish German Jews.

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Presentation on theme: "Between 1933 and 1939: 400 separate laws were passed to define, isolate, exclude, segregate, and impoverish German Jews."— Presentation transcript:

1 Between 1933 and 1939: 400 separate laws were passed to define, isolate, exclude, segregate, and impoverish German Jews

2 January 30, 1933 Hitler becomes Chancellor of the German Reich. April 1, 1933Hitler announces a one-day boycott of all Jewish shops and businesses. April 7, 1933All non-Aryan civil servants (not military personnel) are forcibly retired. April 21, 1933Law enacted forbidding kosher butchering. April 25, 1933Few Non-Aryan children allowed into German schools and universities. July 14, 1933Law enabling authorities to revoke German citizenship of ‘undesirables”. August 3, 1933 Hitler becomes president (as well as Chancellor) of the Third Reich. September 6, 1935 Law enacted banning the sale of Jewish newspapers on the street September 15, 1935 Nuremberg Laws enacted: Jewish people reduced to “Subjects” not citizens, all marriage/sexual relationships between Jewish people and Aryans forbidden, Aryans under age 35 are no longer permitted to be employed as servant to Jewish people. March 7, 1936Voting rights for Jewish people are revoked. July 2, 1937More Jewish students are removed from German universities and schools. November 16, 1937 Travel outside Germany is forbidden for Jewish people, with a few exceptions.

3 July 16, 1938 Jewish people forbidden work as brokers, matchmakers, guides and real-estate agents. July 23, 1938 Jewish people must carry identification cards. July 25, 1938 Jewish doctors not allowed to practice; many rehired as “medical attendants.” July 27, 1938 “Jewish” street names are replaced. August 17, 1938 All Jewish people must have only Jewish first names. October 5, 1938 All Jewish passports are marked with a “J”. November 9-10, 1938 Kristallnacht: a state organized destruction of Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues; thousands of Jewish men deported to Dachau. November 11, 1938 Jewish people may no longer carry own guns.

4 November 12, 1938 Jewish people throughout the Reich are fined one billion Reichmarks for “causing” Kristallnacht destruction. Jewish people may no longer own/head business, are forbidden to attend public performances of plays, movies, concerts, etc. November 15, 1938 Remaining Jewish students moved from German schools to Jewish schools. November 28, 1938 A curfew is imposed on Jewish people throughout the Reich. December 3, 1938 Jewish people banned from the streets on Nazi holidays, forbidden to drive & own cars, and must sell their jewelry, property, investments, and businesses. December 8, 1938 Remaining Jewish students removed from universities throughout the Reich. September 3, 1939 Curfew for Jewish people is made more stringent 9 p.m. in summer, 8 p.m. in winter. September 23, 1939 Jewish people must hand over radios to the police. October 12, 1939 Austrian Jewish people deported to Poland. November 23, 1939 Polish Jewish people must wear a yellow star of David.


6 ) February 6, 1940 Jewish people forbidden to receive clothing coupons, unlike the rest of German people. February 12, 1940 More Jewish people taken into “protective custody” (meaning deported to concentration camps). July 29, 1940Jewish people forbidden to have telephones. December 24, 1940 A special income tax imposed on Jewish people. September 1, 1941 German Jewish people must wear a Star of David & forbidden to leave their homes without police permission. October 24, 1941 Jewish people forbidden to have friendships with Aryans. December 26, 1941 Jewish people forbidden to use public telephones. January 10, 1942 Jewish people must hand over to authorities any wool and fur clothing in their own. February 17, 1942 Jew forbidden to subscribe to newspapers or magazines. April 17, 1942A Jewish apartment must be labeled as such with a Star of David. April 24, 1942Jewish people no longer allowed to use public transportation. May 15, 1942Jewish people forbidden to keep pets. May 29, 1942Jewish people forbidden to use public barber shops. June 9, 1942Jewish people must hand over to authorities all “spare” clothing. June 11, 1942Jewish people no longer allowed to receive smoking coupons.

7 June 19, 1942Jewish people must hand over all electrical equipment, typewriters, & bicycles. June 20, 1942All Jewish schools are closed. July 17, 1942Blind/deaf Jewish people not permitted to wear bands identifying handicap in traffic. September 9, 1942 Jewish people no longer allowed to bring civil suits in a court of law. September 18, 1942 Jewish people no longer permitted to buy meat, milk, or eggs. October 4, 1942Jewish people living in German concentration camps moved to Auschwitz death camp. April 21, 1943Jewish people convicted of crimes are to be exterminated in death camps after serving their sentences. July 1, 1943Property of Jewish people to be confiscated after their deaths. 1943-1944The Final Solution: Total extermination of Jewish people. Millions of Jews exterminated in death camps.

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