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DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON Revelation 17-18 DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON Revelation 17-18 New Life Bible Fellowship February 26, 2012 Dr. Kermit Ecklebarger.

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Presentation on theme: "DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON Revelation 17-18 DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON Revelation 17-18 New Life Bible Fellowship February 26, 2012 Dr. Kermit Ecklebarger."— Presentation transcript:

1 DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON Revelation 17-18 DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON Revelation 17-18 New Life Bible Fellowship February 26, 2012 Dr. Kermit Ecklebarger

2 Destruction of Babylon A. Symbolism of Revelation 17-18 1. Woman (riding on scarlet beast) a. The Great Prostitute 17:1 ~ Partners = Kings of Earth 17:2 ~ Influence = Inhabitants of the earth 17:2 ~ Clothing = Like a Queen 17:4

3 a. The Great Prostitute (continued) ~ Title = Mystery Babylon the Great Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the Earth 17:5 ~ Drunkenness = With blood of God’s People 17:6

4 b. Babylon 17:5 = Symbolic of country hostile to God’s People c. Great city that rules the world 17:18 ~ World Capital – 1 st century = Rome End time = Capital city of World Leader in last days = Like Babylon or Rome but not actually either

5 2. BEAST a. Antichrist b. 8 th King A. Symbolism of Revelation 17-18 (continued)

6 3. BEAST with: 7 Heads 10 Horns Rome 1. 7 Hills(Rome) 2. 7 Kings 8 th King 10 Contemporary kings w/ Antichrist 1-2-3-4-5 ~6~ ~7~ 8th (one of 7) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Past Present Future (Rulers or Empires)

7 B. Political Events Revelation 18 federation 1. Antichrist forms federation w/10 Kings 17:12-13 a. Duration = one hour 17:12 b. Purpose = to wage war against the Lamb 17:13-14 c. Outcome = The Lamb will triumph over them 17:14b d. Reason = Lamb is “Lord of lords and King of kings” e. Lamb’s associates = His called, chosen and faithful followers

8 B. Political Events Revelation 18 (continued) world leader 2. Jealousy against world leader by federation 17:15-16a 3. Overthrow of World leader by federation 17:16b-17 a. 10 king federation destroys city/woman b. Reason = God put it into their hearts to accomplish His purpose

9 B. Political Events Revelation 18 (continued) 4. Announcement of Fall of Babylon 18:1-3 5. Call for God’s People to Escape Babylon 18:4-8 economic 6. World wide economic collapse 18:9-19 ~ Demise mourned by Kings (18:9-10) ~ Merchants (18:11-17) ~ Shipping Industry (18:18-19) 7. Heavenly Celebration of Divine Justice 18:20 8. The Finality of Babylon’s Doom 18:21-24

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