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Chapter 1 Science: The observation and investigation of the natural world The observation and investigation of the natural world.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 Science: The observation and investigation of the natural world The observation and investigation of the natural world."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chapter 1

3 Science: The observation and investigation of the natural world The observation and investigation of the natural world

4 Branches of Science Earth and Space Science Earth and Space Science Life Science Life Science Physical Science Physical Science

5 Physical Science The study of matter and energy

6 Physical Science a. Physics: The study of energy and its effects on matter

7 Physical Science b. Chemistry- the study of the structure of matter and the changes it undergoes due to energy.

8 Two types of science pure science pure science applied science applied science

9 Pure Science Studying a subject to learn more about it Studying a subject to learn more about it (Observation)

10 2 types of Observations: Qualitative observation: describe features of the object (color, shape, smell, etc) Qualitative observation: describe features of the object (color, shape, smell, etc) Quantitative observation: describe an amount of a feature (involves numbers) Quantitative observation: describe an amount of a feature (involves numbers)


12 How many animals can you find? Earth by Giuseppe Arcimboldo

13 Ten Friends by D.L. Rust. Find the missing friend.

14 Inference: Logical guess based on some evidence.

15 Infer what season you think it is.


17 ence-and-observation-activity-presentation ence-and-observation-activity-presentation ence-and-observation-activity-presentation ence-and-observation-activity-presentation L34LIA L34LIA L34LIA L34LIA ie/15.php ie/15.php ie/15.php ie/15.php

18 Applied Science (Technology) turning observations into inventions turning observations into inventions Examples: Examples:  cars, eyeglasses, etc. Technology

19 Turning observations into inferences 1)Take out a piece of notebook paper 2)Write down as many observations about each slide as you can. 3)Make an inference about what you think the next few slide will show.

20 Measuring w/ a ruler







27 Theory – a well-tested explanation for observations or results Ex. Theory of how dinosaurs became extinct

28 Scientific Law – describes an observed pattern in nature Ex. Law of gravity

29 What does a scientist do? Make Observations Make Observations Ask Questions, Be Curious Ask Questions, Be Curious Solve Problems Solve Problems

30 The End

31 Problem Solving or Looking for the answer ?

32 Solve the Problem (3 steps) 1) Gather Information 1) Gather Information 2) Plan a Strategy 2) Plan a Strategy 3) Make a Prediction 3) Make a Prediction

33 1) Gather Information Look for any patterns Has anyone else had the problem Have you ever had the problem

34 2) Plan a Strategy Figure out the potential solutions Can you test the potential solutions one at a time

35 3) Make a Prediction Keep it simple at first It should be testable

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