FUNGI - CHAPTER 20- pg. 575. Bozeman Biology - Fungi 9:13 minutes.

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1 FUNGI - CHAPTER 20- pg. 575

2 Bozeman Biology - Fungi 9:13 minutes

3 Alexander Fleming - British Scientist, 1928 First scientist to discover that fungi killed bacteria.

4 Characteristics of Fungi Found everywhere Grow best in moist, dark, warm places Most are multicellular Heterotrophs Extracellular digestion Absorptive heterotrophs Field (edible) mushrooms Poisonous mushrooms

5 Largest of all living organisms; hyphae can grow for miles.

6 Structures of Fungi Chitin - gives cell walls strength & flexibility Spore - reproductive structure Hyphae - threadlike filaments (absorb food) Mycelium - a network of hyphae


8 Spores Develop into new fungi One fungus can produce 1 trillion spores Carried by wind, water, and animals

9 Adaptations in Fungi Saprophytes - decomposers of earth’s organic wastes Parasites - cause disease (Haustoria - special hyphae) Thrush Athlete’s foot Ringworm Yeast infections

10 Ringworm on human flesh

11 Reproduction in Fungi Sexual Asexual Fragmentation Budding (ex. yeast) Producing spores

12 Budding (yeast)

13 Mushroom farm - edible mushrooms



16 Mycorrhizae A symbiotic relationship between a fungus & a plant (ex. Orchid) The hyphae increase the absorptive surface of the roots The plant gives the fungus organic nutrients 80 - 90% of trees & plants have mycorrhizae


18 Lichens A symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a green algae or cyanobacteria The fungus provides the habitat, water, & minerals The algae or cyanobacteria provides the food

19 CRUSTOSE (flat) FOLIOSE (“foliage”) FRUTICOSE (grow upright)

20 10 Amazing Facts About Fungi! wweymhAuXG8


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