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Using Mock Objects with Test Driven Development Justin Kohlhepp

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1 Using Mock Objects with Test Driven Development Justin Kohlhepp

2 What are mock objects? From Wikipedia: simulated objects that mimic the behavior of real objects in controlled ways Think “crash test dummy”

3 Terminology Mocks, Stubs, Fakes… Whatever!

4 Terminology Unit Tests vs. Integration Tests

5 Why use mocks? Isolate code under test; less fragile tests Difficult to set up dependencies Verify interaction between objects Side effects (sending emails, launching missiles) Abnormal situations (network outages, disk full) Multiple dev streams (actual class doesn’t exist) Non-deterministic results (timezones) Real code too slow (trips to database) Real code interacts with user (i.e. UI)

6 Demo Simple Mocking Scenario

7 moq Basic Syntax

8 moq Framework Pronounced "Mock-you" or just "Mock“.NET 3.5 or higher Focused on simple, flexible API Does not use record/replay style Open source, BSD license Active project since 2007

9 Test Lifecycle with Mocks SetupExecuteVerify

10 Demo: Advanced moq Features Mocking Exceptions Loose vs. Strict Complex argument matching Callbacks Mock concrete classes, Partial Mocks Automatic recursive mocks Mock multiple interfaces Access to protected members

11 Design Considerations – “SOLID” S Single responsibility principle, an object should have only a single responsibility O Open/closed principle, open for extension, but closed for modification L Liskov substitution principle, derived class should not break assumptions or behavior of base class I Interface segregation principle, many specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface (e.g. role interface) D Dependency inversion principle, Depend upon abstractions, not upon concretions

12 Managing Dependencies “new” keyword prevents isolation Inversion of Control: class no longer controls its dependencies; no more “new” Key patterns for IoC: Dependency Injection, Service Locator

13 Demo Dependency Injection

14 Dependency Injection Frameworks Allow for externalizing dependency management Can be configuration driven or code driven Many choices: MS Unity, Castle Windsor, StructureMap, Ninject, etc.

15 Demo “Realistic” Mocking Scenario

16 moq – Under the Hood Uses Castle DynamicProxy Creates class on the fly that implements interface or derives from class Tracks methods, properties that are setup on the mock, and how they are invoked during test execution

17 Other Mocking Frameworks RhinoMocks Most widely used Complex API Too many options TypeMock More powerful Different design Not free

18 Mocking Pitfalls Gaps in integration testing Maintenance concerns Testing influencing design Tests are very “white box” – they know a lot about the thing they are testing To verify or not to verify Heisenbugs Controversy

19 Conclusions Mock objects are a powerful tool that you should have in your testing toolbox Injecting mock objects requires some design considerations. Luckily this also leads to better code (according to some). Remember: a hybrid approach is possible. Mock some things and use real instances of others. With great power comes great responsibility

20 Useful Links Wikipedia: Mock Objects Fowler: Mocks Aren’t Stubs QuickStart with moq Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers

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