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北师大版《初中英语》八年级上册 Unit 1 Television Lesson 3 The Big Game 第一课时.

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Presentation on theme: "北师大版《初中英语》八年级上册 Unit 1 Television Lesson 3 The Big Game 第一课时."— Presentation transcript:

1 北师大版《初中英语》八年级上册 Unit 1 Television Lesson 3 The Big Game 第一课时

2 Warm-up What sports do you like to watch?

3 Warm-up Can you Describe your favourite sports show? My favourite sports show is named BASKETBALL CHANNEL on CCTV5. I like watching NBA and CBA. Example

4 New words Talk about the pictures or videos. What is the football player doing? He is kicking the ball in the field. He scores a goal.

5 New words Talk about the pictures or videos. What is the basketball player doing? He is making the basket and he gets two points.

6 New words Talk about the pictures or videos. What’s the matter? The player fouls. It’s a foul and it’s a bad call.

7 New words Talk about the pictures or videos. What is Li Na doing? She is hitting the ball in the court.

8 Pre-reading Can you guess what these three dialogues are about?

9 While-reading Can you match each dialogue with the correct picture? Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3

10 While-reading Write the correct names in each blank. 1. hurt his foot. 2. scores a goal. 3. fouls when he tries to make a basket. 4. hits the ball to back of the court. Hill McCall Wilson Chambers

11 Post-reading Read aloud after the tape, please. A: Look at the speed of Hill as he runs down the field with the ball. Can you believe that? He ’ s extremely fit this season. Do you agree? B: Certainly! And think about this. His foot was hurt last year and he was out for two months. It ’ s just fantastic! A: And he passes the ball to McCall and … IT ’ S A GOAL! B: Wow ! What a great kick! It was perfect. C: … Wilson is going to make a basket and … IT ’ S IN! That ’ s another two points for … just wait … It ’ s a foul? Are you kidding me? D: Right you are, Dan. That was a bad call. It was clearly a basket but now the Lions will not get those two points. As you can hear, their fans also think it was a terrible call. C: What a shame! They should complain about that one … E: And there they go! Chambers hits the ball to the back of the court. Lister is running … F: Look at that speed! She is really in top form today. E: And it ’ s back to Chambers. She ’ s also in top form. F: How exciting! This is going to be a great match.

12 Post-reading Talk about a game that you have watched with your partner.

13 Homework Write a passage about a game that you have watched.

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