Division of Academics Department of Mathematics and Science Mrs. Yoly McCarthy Instructional Supervisor New Teacher Orientation Next Generation Sunshine.

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Presentation on theme: "Division of Academics Department of Mathematics and Science Mrs. Yoly McCarthy Instructional Supervisor New Teacher Orientation Next Generation Sunshine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Division of Academics Department of Mathematics and Science Mrs. Yoly McCarthy Instructional Supervisor New Teacher Orientation Next Generation Sunshine State Standards For Science with Integration of Language Arts Florida Standards and Mathematics Florida Standards

2 AGENDA  Pre-assessment: “What is Good Science education?”  Elements of Good Science Instruction  What Should a Science Classroom Look Like (5Es)  Lab Activities: Open Inquiry(EL), GIZMO  ALDs- Achievement Level Descriptions  Science NGSSS with Common Core Integration  District Resources  Science Department Website Overview  Department of Science Personnel 2 Department of Mathematics and Science

3 Norms Be present Share wisdom Trust the process Keep an open mind Refrain from judging Try something new, then reflect

4 Session Outcomes Participants will be able to:  Access science instructional resources to support science teaching and learning  Identify effective science teaching and learning  Review content resources available through the District Department of Mathematics and Science

5 Pre-Assessment: What is Good Science Education? Draw, write, and/or make a symbol to represent what science instruction in middle school should be? Be ready to introduce yourself and present your poster.

6 What does effective science instruction look like? Engage  Question, discussion, activity, uncover ideas (Discovery and PBS Learning) Explore  Lab activities (Essential Lab/hands-on investigations, Gizmos) Explain  Conclusion writing/lab report, C-E-R, discussion, Notebooks/Journals Elaborate  Discussion, real-world connections Evaluate: formative and summative by benchmark Department of Mathematics and Science

7 Photosynthesis/ Conservation of Mass Department of Mathematics and Science A. ENGAGE: NBC Learn Video : “Chemistry of Changing Leaves”“Chemistry of Changing Leaves” B. EXPLORE: Open inquiry- Creating own problem statement on factors affecting photosynthesis -Observe the process of photosynthesis with an aquatic plant -Discuss as a group what factors may affect the rate of which the bubbles move (indicator of rate of photosynthesis) - Test your variable with the GIZMO

8 Photosynthesis/ Conservation of Mass Department of Mathematics and Science C. EXPLAIN: Graphing your results D. EVALUATE: CER

9 (Elaborate/ Explain) Conclusion Writing: Claim-Evidence-Reasoning Students should support their own written claims with appropriate justification. Science education should help prepare students for this complex inquiry practice where students seek and provide evidence and reasons for ideas or claims (Driver, Newton and Osborne, 2000). Department of Mathematics and Science

10 Claim – Evidence –. Reasoning –

11 Identify/indicate the effectiveness of the… Engage Explore Explain Evaluate Department of Mathematics and Science

12 Effective Planning (with the end in mind) Implement a routine of inquiry based, hands-on activities relevant to the objectives of the topic. Develop Higher-Order Questioning Strategies using Explicit-Reflective instruction to enhance student thinking Facilitate, encourage, and expect Higher Order Thinking (HOT) from your students Encourage students to communicate verbally and in writing Good Science Instruction (How)

13 Discovering answers through systematic observations Asking questions about our surroundings Applying models to formulate solutions to questions Learning to make systematic observations in order to formulate answers to events that occur in our surrounding January 2013 Department of Mathematics and Science Good Science Instruction(Cont.)

14 Real-World Applications: Science investigations must go beyond the classroom

15 Student work samples:

16 Successful Strategies to Use The 5 E’s HOT Questions (Web’s Depth of Knowledge) Inquiry Hands-On Activities/Labs Demonstrations Virtual Labs Notebooks Graphic Organizers Models & Visuals Cooperative Learning Think-Pair-Share Jigsaw Centers / Stations Internet / Video Differentiated Instruction strategies January 2013 16

17 Florida Standards in the Science Curriculum

18 District Resources: How can we help you?

19 STEM: Website

20 Science Department Website Overview Department of Mathematics and Science


22 Learning Village

23 Content: Middle School Science



26 Content: Pacing Guides

27 Example 5E Plan Template


29  Introduced in District Pacing Guides 2010  Train-the-trainer professional development model  Examples of Digital Media integrated with instruction  Video segment  Images  Exploration  Sound  Songs  Virtual lab  Interactive Glossary  Reading Passage  Game  Collaborative: My Content Discovery Education


31 Progress Monitoring Tool Sample Working Document

32 FCAT 2.0 Test Item Specifications

33 Resources: NBC Learn NBC learn formed about 6 years ago; committee came together to compile video archives and create educational platform for education collection of about 15,000 primary sources for engaging/high quality videos for real world connections. Also has original content series Will align resources to our pacing guide Topics aligned to NGSS, Common Core (by grade level and content are)

34 Resources: How to access Once you log on with District access then we access an apps page. Look for the NBC Learn link. No further sign in needed. All students and teachers can access with their own log in. Can be accessed by any computer, mobile device or laptop. No extra program needed to be installed Search: by topic, keyword, grade level, common core standards, etc. Homepage same for teacher and student. Content carousel updated regularly. Newsletters sent out on regular basis.

35 Resources: How to access NBC Learn

36 Resources: NBC Learn

37 Resources: EdModo

38 Interview Review Partner up with someone. Ask them three questions about what they learned today. Jot down notes and be prepared to share out.

39 Remember: the Power of Science!  Science isn’t just memorizing facts.  The new standards will help students understand how science works.  The scientific skills and attitudes students learn will provide them with powerful problem-solving skills.  Every student deserves to benefit from scientific thinking.

40 Department of Mathematics and Science Office of Academics and Transformation Dr. Ava D. Rosales Executive Director - Science ElementaryMiddle SchoolHigh School Dr. Millard Lightburn District Supervisor Ms. Yoly McCarthy Instructional Supervisor Mr. Sebastian Oddone District Supervisor Ms. Mary Tweedy Curriculum Support Specialist Mr. Dane Jaber Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Ana Fenton Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Mildred Farber District Administrative Assistant Phone: (305)995-1939 Science Department

41 Exit Slip Please answer this question on a half sheet of paper and turn in before you leave “I used to know…but now I know…” Have a STEM-filled school year! Department of Mathematics and Science

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