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Introduction to Biology Unit 1. What is biology? Break down the word  Bio = life Ology = the study of.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Biology Unit 1. What is biology? Break down the word  Bio = life Ology = the study of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Biology Unit 1

2 What is biology? Break down the word  Bio = life Ology = the study of

3 Study different types of organisms Interactions between organisms Interactions between organisms and the environment

4 Characteristics of organisms Organization  orderly structure Reproduction  continuation of the species

5 Growth  individuals change (development) Adjust to surroundings Homeostasis  regulation of a constant internal environment

6 Characteristics cont. Adaptation and evolution Adaptation  structure, behavior, or process that allows organisms to better survive in an environment Thick fur during the winter

7 Evolution  gradual accumulation of adaptations over time Change over time Human height

8 The Scientific Method Steps used to gather information and answer questions

9 Observation Noticing something Asking a question

10 Hypothesize Developing a possible explanation for the question Must be testable

11 Experimentation Procedure used to test the hypothesis Collection of information under controlled conditions

12 Control All conditions are kept constant Standard of comparison

13 Experimentation cont. Experimental group  1 single condition is changed Variable  what is being tested

14 Independent variable Changed condition that affects the outcome of the experiment Using different concentrations of enzyme

15 Dependent variable Condition that is changed because of the independent variable The time it takes for the reaction to occur

16 Collecting data Information obtained by experimentation Organized into charts, tables, or illustrations

17 Analysis Interpretation of the data A determination of the validity of the hypothesis Graphs or written words

18 Conclusion Explanation of the results of your experiment

19 Reporting the results Lab reports Scientific journals

20 Verifying the results Other scientists repeat the experiments to determine value

21 Forming a theory A hypothesis that is supported by a large volume of evidence The theory of evolution

22 Scientific laws Considered to be certain facts of nature that are generally known to be true The law of gravity

23 The nature of biology Kinds of research

24 Quantitative  numerical data Charts, graphs, tables

25 Length Mass Volume Time Temperature  meters grams liters seconds Degrees Celcius International System of Measurements (SI)

26 Qualitative  descriptive Observational data Written words or illustrations Animal behavior, the view under a microscope

27 Group Assignment Design an experiment to test the following: Does height affect heart rate when exercising?

28 Your experiment must have the following criteria: Title Materials Procedure Control Independent and dependent variables Data Conclusion

29 Hand it in tomorrow! Write it up as a group with both your names on it and hand it in tomorrow.

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