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What’s in your urine? Urinalysis Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s in your urine? Urinalysis Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s in your urine? Urinalysis Lab

2 Case #1 Jeff Jones Age: 19 years
Symptoms: polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia and unexplained weight loss

3 Case #2 Mr. Thompson Age: 60 years
Symptoms: unusually tired for past several weeks, occasional dizziness, difficulty sleeping Physical symptoms: swollen ankles, feet, and puffy face, burning pain in lower back, dark urine color Vitals: BP = 150/90

4 Case #3 Ms. Smith Age: 27 years
Symptoms: dysuria, frequent and urgent urination, milky coloration to urine Vitals: body temp = 105 degrees F

5 Urine Composition Urine composition varies from time to time and reflects the amounts of water and solutes that the kidneys eliminate to maintain homeostasis. Normal urine is 95% water, and also contains urea, uric acid, a trace of amino acids, and electrolytes.

6 Urine Elimination After forming in the nephrons, urine passes from the collecting ducts to the renal papillae, then to the minor and major calyces, and out the renal pelvis to the ureters, urinary bladder, and finally to the urethra, which conveys urine to the outside

7 Abnormal Urine Urine samples can provide clinical insight into the health of the urogenital tract Evaluation of the following physical and chemical characteristics; Color Odor pH Microscopic analysis Albumin, glucose and ketones Phenylketonuria

8 PKU Phenylalanine = essential amino acid Tyrosine =
nonessential amino acid

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