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Waterwise Landscaping. Purpose of Landscaping Beauty UtilityConservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Waterwise Landscaping. Purpose of Landscaping Beauty UtilityConservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waterwise Landscaping

2 Purpose of Landscaping Beauty UtilityConservation

3 Waterwise Options Zeroscaping Xeriscaping Wildfire Aware Options Defensible landscaping Zoning

4 Zeroscaping Low to No Maintenance Landscaping Design

5 Characteristics Uses a variety of rocks for design Sparse use of drought resistant plants Relies on rainwater or limited watering

6 Benefits Conserves water Saves $$$ Low maintenance Presents minimal pest and disease problems Saves landfill space

7 Disadvantages Scarcity of plant life Possibility of unattractive aesthetic quality

8 Xeriscaping Water – Conservative Approach to Landscaping

9 Characteristics Uses a variety of rocks for design Sparse use of drought resistant plants Relies on rainwater or limited watering

10 Benefits Conserves water Provides attractive planning options Presents minimal pest and disease problems Requires low pruning and maintenance Saves landfill space

11 Disadvantages –None! Initial cost is offset by future savings

12 “Fire Aware” Landscaping Trees in Zone 2 and Zone 3 only

13 Principles for Waterwise Landscaping Develop Landscape Plan 1 Condition Your Soil 2 Limit Lawn Size 3 Irrigate Efficiently 4 Use Appropriate 5 Apply Mulches 6 Maintain 7

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