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‘The Only Crime is Getting Caught’ The Who, What and Why of Crime in the 21 st Century.

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Presentation on theme: "‘The Only Crime is Getting Caught’ The Who, What and Why of Crime in the 21 st Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘The Only Crime is Getting Caught’ The Who, What and Why of Crime in the 21 st Century

2 LEARNING INTENTIONS: O Define the term criminology. O Describe one biological theory that explains why people become criminals. O Describe one sociological theory that explains why people become criminals. O Express an opinion on what causes crime.

3 HOMEWORK For homework, you are going to write an answer to the question ‘Why do people commit crimes?’, so bear that in mind when you’re making notes!

4 Biological and Sociological Theories of Crime What are they? Which are more convincing? What do they mean, anyway?

5 BiologicalSociological Cause of criminal behaviour You! Your biology, personality, development etc. Other people – society, your parents, ‘the man’. Famous TheoristsJohn BowlbyStanley Milgram Extreme Example How do we stop crime happening? Make the person better – medicine, counselling, punishment etc Make society better – outreach programmes, youth clubs, reduce unemployment etc.

6 Biological Theories John Bowlby Believed that, if children don’t become ‘attached’ properly, they will have severe personality problems. And probably become a criminal. In his study ’44 Juvenile Thieves’ He showed how, if children had bad relationships with their parents, it damaged their development. And they were much more likely to become criminals.

7 Sociological Theories Stanley Milgram Believed that crime is not caused by who you are, but by the situation you are in. He set up an experiment where people were to ask someone questions, and give them an electric shock whenever they got a question wrong. Because there was a scientist in the room telling them to do so, nearly everyone tested agreed to do this. And 65% were willing to increase the voltage to a level that would kill the other person – just because it was an experiment, and a man in a white coat told them to do it.

8 It’s Probably a Bit of Both… Truth is… Most criminologists believe that crime occurs due to a mix of factors – some people are more likely to commit crime than others, but that doesn’t mean they will, unless the right circumstances come along.

9 Essay Framework Introduction: A crime is committed when a law is broken. There are many different factors which cause crime such as… There are two different theories about why people commit crime. Sociological theorists believe… Biological theorists believe… I believe… (you could say you agree with one or the other, or a mix of the two. It is up to you. But you must explain)

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