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Computers as ‘mind tools’ for the engaging of learners in critical thinking - David Jonassen ‘New’ Social Constructivism.

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Presentation on theme: "Computers as ‘mind tools’ for the engaging of learners in critical thinking - David Jonassen ‘New’ Social Constructivism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computers as ‘mind tools’ for the engaging of learners in critical thinking - David Jonassen ‘New’ Social Constructivism

2 Beyond my reach What I can learn with help (ZPD) ZPD and scaffolding What I can learn on my own Technology and toolsKnowledgeable others Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

3 Photo by Mark Hillary Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013 Twitter Wall

4 We learn by making (Papert, 1980) Photo by Steve Wheeler Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

5 Learning User generated content Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013 Learning by making

6 Learning 2.0 Tools Collaborating Sharing Voting Networking User generated content Architecture of participation Tagging Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013


8 Blogging In the act of writing......we are written. - Daniel Chandler Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

9 “Blogging... Is the most important form of unchoreographed public discourse that we have.” - Lawrence Lessig “Never have so many people written so much to be read by so few...” - Katie Hafner Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

10 Flip the roles, not just the classroom Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

11 “Education must begin with the solution of the teacher-student contradiction, by reconciling the poles of the contradiction so that both are simultaneously teachers and students.” - Paulo Freire Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

12 We learn by teaching Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

13 Bearpit Pedagogy Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

14 Self organised learning For successful self organised learning the essential components are: Communication Reflection Collaboration Community Creative Tools Amplification Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

15 Heutagogy Flâneur Self-determined learning Hase & Kenyon Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

16 Making Connections In Connectivism, learning involves creating connections and developing a network. It is a theory for the digital age drawing upon chaos, emergent properties, and self organised learning. (It’s not what you know, but who you know) Source: Wikipedia Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

17 Rhizomes Deleuze & Guattari Anarchy of the Web Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

18 Rhizomatic learning Source: Cormier, D. (2008) © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 “In the rhizomatic view, knowledge can only be negotiated, [and is] a personal knowledge- creation process with mutable goals and constantly negotiated premises.”

19 Global Social Personal Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013

20 “All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants.” - John W. Gardner Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2013


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