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 Formation of the United States Government.  Developed idea of democracy, direct democracy, citizenship, and republic.

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Presentation on theme: " Formation of the United States Government.  Developed idea of democracy, direct democracy, citizenship, and republic."— Presentation transcript:

1  Formation of the United States Government


3  Developed idea of democracy, direct democracy, citizenship, and republic

4  First European nation to experiment with democracy  Developed common law, Magna Carta, Parliament, limited monarchy, Bill of Rights

5  Locke  Rousseau  Montesquieu

6  How to fight and win Revolution  How to organize new state governments  How to develop a national government

7  Took effect March 1, 1781  America’s first form of government  Set up a unicameral legislature  No executive or judicial branch

8  Make war and peace  Send and receive ambassadors  Enter into treaties  Set up monetary system  Borrow money  Set uniform weights and measures  Settle disputes among states  Raise and army and navy


10  No power to tax  Not power to regulate commerce  No power to enforce the laws  No court system  No executive branch  9/13 states had to approve laws  13/13 had to approve amendments

11  Led country through the American Revolution  Land Ordinance of 1785  Northwest Ordinance of 1787

12  Home of George Washington  Representatives from Virginia and Maryland met  Discuss difficulties over trade

13  Only 5 of 13 states attended  Called for another meeting in May 1787

14  Led by Daniel Shay  Massachusetts farmer  Caused by depression after the American Revolution  2,000 farmers rioted  Attacked courthouse in Springfield, Massachusetts

15  Demonstrated that steps had to be taken to strengthen the national government  Lacked powerful authority to provide order

16  Called the Federal Convention  Philadelphia  55 of 74 delegates attended  Every state sent delegates except Rhode Island  Purpose was to revise the Articles of Confederation

17  Proposed by Edmund Randolph of Virginia  Created 3 branches of government  Legislative branch made up of 2 houses  Lower house elected by popular vote  Lower house appoint the upper house  Number in each house based on population  Supported by the larger states

18  Proposed by William Patterson  Called for a unicameral legislature  Each state would have an equal number of representatives  Called for a dual executive branch

19  How each state would be represented  Large state vs. Small state

20  Also called the Great Compromise  Combination of two plans  Called for a bicameral legislature  Consist of Senate and House of Representative  Senate – equal representation  House – based on population

21  Southern states were allowed to count three-fifths of their slaves in the population figures for representation

22  Congress could not abolish the slave trade for 20 years after the Constitution went into effect

23  Congress could not tax the exports of any goods from a state

24  Established the electoral college

25  9 out of 13 states had to approve the new Constitution

26  Supporters of Constitution  Led by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay  Federalists Papers – series of 85 essays

27  Shays’ Rebellion  They were united with a specific Plan “the Constitution”  They were well organized  They had George Washington

28  Opposed ratification of the Constitution  Arguments o 1. gave too much power to central gov’t o 2. had no bill of rights o 3. denial of states to print money

29  1 st state was Delaware  9 th was New Hampshire  Last was Rhode Island

30  Establish Legitimacy  Create Appropriate Structures  Describe and Distribute Power  Limit Government Powers  Allow for Change

31  Popular Sovereignty  Republicanism  Limited Government  Federalism  Separation of Powers  Checks and Balances  Individual Rights

32  Convened in New York on March 4, 1789  George Washington – President  John Adams – Vice President  April 30, 1789 inaugurated in New York City

33  Body of advisors to the president who head the various departments in the executive branch

34  Attorney General – Edmond Randolph  Secretary of War – Henry Knox  Secretary of State – Thomas Jefferson  Secretary of Treasury – Alexander Hamilton

35  New York 1789-1790  Philadelphia 1790-1800  Washington D.C. 1800-Present

36  French artist and architect  Designed Washington D.C. and layout for the White House and Capitol

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