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Conduc ting Busine ss with Spain Power point By: Ashley Pearson.

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1 Conduc ting Busine ss with Spain Power point By: Ashley Pearson

2 THE PEOPLE The people of Spain are rather prideful. They value personal appearance, image, and relationships with others highly. Modesty is more important than flaunting intelligence, and most have a non-conformist attitude.

3 MEET & GREET When meeting a Spaniard you should shake hands with all present in the room, and do so again when leaving. Men who are close friends or family may embrace, and it is a custom for all women to kiss one another on the cheek.

4 BODY LANGUAGE You should never touch or hug a Spaniard that you do not know well unless they touch you first. Spaniards generally stand very close to one another while talking, and they use hand movements with their words. It is advised never to mimic them.

5 CORPORATE CULTURE Although Spaniards aren’t punctual they will expect you to be. They like to learn small personal details leading up to business. They lack trust, and this creates a feeling of panic. Do not impose decisions upon them, and remember, there social chart is quite different. People at the top of the social ladder may be less influential than those closer to the bottom. Most business leaders are trained in English, but on rare occasion a translator may be needed.

6 DINING & ENTERTAINMENT It is acceptable in the south of Spain to be late by thirty minutes, while in the north, it is only fifteen. It is common to eat either lunch or dinner during a meeting, and is customary that you give a brief toast in Spanish. You should tip frequently, and never leave food on your plate.

7 ATTIRE Spaniards value appearance and dress elegantly even for casual occasions. They also dress conservatively, which means nothing flashy or brightly colored. Shoes are the most important part of you attire in Spain. Men are expected to wear suits, while women are expected to wear dresses or skirts.

8 GIFTS You should bring a small wrapped gift to the hostess of a home. Acceptable gifts include: pastries, cakes, chocolates, and flowers (excluding: chrysanthemums and dahlias). You should not give a gift at a first meeting, and when you do give a gift do not imply a bribe. Give small things like: desk items, art, books, or music.

9 HELPFUL HINTS Expect interruption, and be patient. For Women: Make eye contact, but do not suggest flirting. You may dine alone in a restaurant only at lunch, and while you may ask a business man to lunch, you should not expect to pay.


11 RESOURCES Ediplomat & Google Images

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