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SE-1021 Software Engineering II Week 5, Class 2 Why my computer crashed Layouts Multiple action listeners Single actionPerformed method – distinguishing.

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Presentation on theme: "SE-1021 Software Engineering II Week 5, Class 2 Why my computer crashed Layouts Multiple action listeners Single actionPerformed method – distinguishing."— Presentation transcript:

1 SE-1021 Software Engineering II Week 5, Class 2 Why my computer crashed Layouts Multiple action listeners Single actionPerformed method – distinguishing events Multiple inner classes (named and anonymous) Lab tomorrow – Quiz! 1

2 Why my computer crashed yesterday I forgot setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_C LOSE); As a result … SE-1021 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 2

3 Layouts FlowLayout BorderLayout GridLayout Example: Creating a Calculator GUI SE-1021 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 3

4 Multiple Source Outcomes Determine an event source from within an actionPerformed() methodactionPerformed() Determine the specific object that initiated an Action Event Design and implement event handling methods to handle multiple Action Events using anonymous inner classes SE-1021 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 4

5 StackOverflow question [NOT YET DISCUSSED] I just had an interview, and I was asked to create a memory leak with Java. Needless to say I felt pretty dumb having no clue on how to even start creating one. What would an example be? SE-1021 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 5

6 String.intern() [NOT YET DISCUSSED] SE-1021 Dr. Josiah Yoder Slide style: Dr. Hornick 6

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