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Leading Yourself Be, Know, Do Be – who you are Know – understanding something about yourself. Do – using personal strengths to improve your ability to.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading Yourself Be, Know, Do Be – who you are Know – understanding something about yourself. Do – using personal strengths to improve your ability to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Leading Yourself

3 Be, Know, Do Be – who you are Know – understanding something about yourself. Do – using personal strengths to improve your ability to lead

4 Leading Yourself Before leading others, you need to lead yourself. Begin by asking three questions: –Where am I now? –Where do I want to be? –How do I close the gap?

5 Leading Yourself I’m at the base of the mountain. I want to be at the top of the mountain. To close the gap, I need to organize my group, plan the itinerary, get provisions ready, load packs, etc.

6 Vision – Goals - Planning Vision is what success look like. Goals are the steps to fulfilling that vision. Planning is the way to figure out how to reach your goals.

7 The Vision Challenge Later in the course you will develop a personal vision. Begin thinking now about: –Where you are –Where you want to be

8 Leading Yourself You are: The person you lead most The person over who you have the greatest influence

9 Leading Yourself To lead yourself, you must ask: Where am I? Where do I want to be? Vision How do I close the gap? Goals and Planning

10 Leading Yourself You need to be responsible to close the gap. There are many people who can support and help you.

11 Knowing Yourself Knowing yourself is not just: –How tall you are –The color of your eyes –What kind of music you like Knowing yourself is also about: –How you make decisions with other people –How you make decisions by yourself

12 The Self-Leadership Compass When moving toward a goal or learning a skill, we all go through stages: –Forming –Storming –Norming –Performing

13 Leading Yourself Part One

14 Paul has just started playing the saxophone in his school band. It’s very hard learning all the things he needs to know, but he’s very excited and imagines becoming the best sax player in the band. What stage is this?

15 Emilio has been working hard to get ready for a big backpacking trip. He’s gone over his checklist of supplies and packed his outdoor essentials in his backpack. He’s checked with his team to make sure the overnight camping gear is gathered and packed for travel. He’s prepared for the possibility of rain. He’s certain that the campout will be great. What stage is this?

16 Brandon has been studying to take the written test to get his driver’s permit. Last week he wasn’t sure he would ever pass the test, but now he is remembering more of the rules and laws every day. What stage is this?

17 Zach is in the process of training for the annual charity run scheduled for three months away. At first, the training was hard, but he was so excited that he kept going. But now he feels so exhausted every day that he is wondering if it is all really worth it. What stage is this?

18 Leading Yourself Part Two

19 Summary Be, Know, Do of Leadership –Be – Who you are and how you use your strengths –Know – Teaching and helping others reach their goals –Do – Communicating, solving problems, and resolving conflicts To lead yourself you must ask: –Where am I? –Where do I want to be? Vision –How do I close the gap? Goals and Planning

20 Summary The stages in working toward a goal or learning a skill: –Forming –Storming –Norming –Performing


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