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February, 2009 Let’s Talk About Backs Keith Sullivan, PT.

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Presentation on theme: "February, 2009 Let’s Talk About Backs Keith Sullivan, PT."— Presentation transcript:

1 February, 2009 Let’s Talk About Backs Keith Sullivan, PT

2 Goals Educate you regarding anatomy and pathology. Instruct you in proper body mechanics, posture, and prevention. Prepare you for stabilization classes. Answer any questions you may have. 2

3 3 Reasons for Interest / Statistics Prevalence of Lower Back Pain Recurrence of Lower Back Pain

4 Prevalence of Lower Back Pain  80% of adults experience lower back pain severe enough to seek medical attention at some point in their lives; 100 million Americans per year.  The cost in lost work time and medical/legal expenses is over $60 billion per year.  There are over 300,000 back surgeries performed in this country per year.  Lower back injuries are most common in the 30-40 year old age group. 4

5 Recurrence of Lower Back Pain  60% of those with back injuries reinjure their backs within the first year.  75% within the first two years. 5 Our goal during this presentation is to help decrease those numbers and to help you prevent either the original injury or any re-injury if you have already experienced back problems.

6 Misconceptions  “Most back injuries are caused by accidents”  “Slipped discs”  “Back injuries are a recent phenomenon”  “Most people with back injuries are exaggerating or faking”  “All back injuries are the same” 6

7 Posture Concept of Neutral Spine Critical times to be in neutral spine position 1. Increased force (lifting) 2. When maintaining one position for long duration (driving) 3. During repetitive action (bending) 7

8 8 Function

9 9 How the Back Works

10 10 How Back Injuries Occur

11 11 Risk Factors

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19 Work Simplification Body Mechanics 19 Reduction of steps in performance of daily routines Utilization of power saving devices Organization of work and home environment

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