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ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON MIDDLE LEVEL PRINCIPALS FALL MEETING -- OCTOBER 26, 2014 Leveraging the SBAC System to Support Effective Assessment Practices.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON MIDDLE LEVEL PRINCIPALS FALL MEETING -- OCTOBER 26, 2014 Leveraging the SBAC System to Support Effective Assessment Practices."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives Understand the definition and key strategies of formative assessment as defined in best-practice research Recognize new formative assessment tools available via the SBAC system

3 Success Criteria Discuss key strategies of formative assessment with principal colleagues Analyze/discuss how they are reflected in classroom instruction at your school Identify steps for accessing and using formative assessment resources available via the SBAC system as a principal leader

4 SBAC: Not “just another test”

5 SBAC: An Assessment SYSTEM Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness All students leave high school college and career ready Teachers and schools have information and tools they need to improve teaching and learning Summative: College and career readiness assessments for accountability Interim: Flexible and open assessments, used for actionable feedback Formative Educator Resources: Digital Library with instructional and professional learning resources that include embedded formative assessment processes


7 Summative Score Reporting


9 Availability Time line

10 Formative Assessment Research … standards can be raised only by changes that are put into direct effect by teachers and pupils in classrooms. There is a body of firm evidence that formative assessment is an essential component of classroom work and that its development can raise standards of achievement. We know of no other way of raising standards for which such a strong prima facie case can be made. Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment By Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam, 1998

11 5 Key Strategies for Formative Assessment 1.Clarify and share learning targets and criteria for success 2.Use effective approaches to elicit evidence of student learning 3.Provide feedback that moves learning forward 4.Enable students to take ownership of their own learning 5.Help students be learning resources for each other

12 SBAC’s definition and elements: What’s aligned with Wiliam? What’s different?

13 Resources in the Digital LibraryDigital Library Commissioned professional development modules Resources for students and families Frame formative assessment within a balanced assessment system Articulate the formative assessment process Highlight formative assessment practices and tools Commissioned professional development modules Instructional materials for educators Instructional materials for students High-quality vetted instructional resources and tools for educators High-quality vetted resources and tools for students and families Reflect and support the formative process Reflect and support the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts Create Professional Learning Communities Assessment Literacy Modules Exemplar Instructional Modules Education Resources Demonstrate/support effective implementation of the formative process Focus on key content and practice from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts

14 The SBAC System over a school year… * Except grade 3 ELA

15 Getting started tip: Sort, but not by too much…

16 Formative Assessment & the SBAC Digital Library Considering the definition and key strategies of formative assessment, what are the strengths of my staff? Are there areas of focus around which they might benefit? How might the SBAC Digital Library assist me in supporting necessary growth in my staff? What are my next steps?

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